Unify and manage your data


Use search options for searching lookups and flexible filtering results.

To search for any other data, use the offset and limit options.

Search by Filters

The following Properties of Search Filters table explains search filters which enable you to search lookup values with a condition. These search filters were used before 2021.2.

Table 1. Properties of Search Filters
Properties Description
type The name of the Lookup type.

Example: equals(type,"State")

code Represents the Lookup code or Canonical Code.

Example: equals(code,"CA")

value Represents Canonical value.

It displays the source value, which is marked by flag canonicalValue: true

Example: equals(value,"California")

enabled The field allows search by the enabled flag of the lookup. If enabled is false, then this property allows it to exclude lookup from the transcode process.

Example: equals(enabled,false)

updateDate Represents the Last lookup update date.

Example: lt(updateDate,1622564706972)

updatedBy It describes the user who made the latest changes.

Example: equals(updatedBy,"User")


Represents the date when the lookup value is enabled. It is configured in timestamp.

Example: gte(startDate,1622564706972)


Represents the date when the lookup value is disabled. It is configured in timestamp.

Example: lte(endDate,1622564706972)

version While creating a lookup, the version is incremented. This represents the current version of the lookup record.
parents Represents the Lookup parents. This search filter helps you to find all lookups as specific parent links. For example, you can find all the cities that have parent links for certain countries.

Example: equals(parents, rdm/lookupTypes/COUNTRY/USA)


Represents code in source mappings for the specified source system.

Example: equals(code_Reltio,"ISO.123")


Represents value in source mappings for the specified source system.

Example: equals(value_Reltio,"California state")
localization Represents Localized value.
Note: Localization property take language from the Accept-Language HTTP header and apply these operators to values from localizations of lookups for specified language.
Example: equals(localization,"Estado de California")

HEADER: Accept-Language: es-ES

Note: Starting from 2021.2, we have added new search filters. We will continue to support the previously existing search filters.

The following Search Filters table displays the new search filters.

Table 2. Search Filters (New)
Field Description
This represents the source system in lookup transcode mapping.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example: equals(sourceMappings.source,"Reltio")
sourceMappings.values.code Represents the source code in lookup transcode mapping.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.

Example: equals (sourceMappings.values.code,"ISO.123")

sourceMappings.values.value Represents the Source value in lookup transcode mapping.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValueto search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example: equals (sourceMappings.values.value, "California state")
Represents the language code in localizations.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example: equals (localizations.languageCode,"es-ES")
Represents the localized value in localizations.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example: equals (localizations.value,"Estado de California")
attributes.name Represents the name of the attribute.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example: equals (attributes.name, "Population")
attributes.value Represents the value of the attribute.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.
Example : equals (attributes.value, "20000000")

Filter Operators

The Filter Operators enable you to search for lookup values by a condition.

The Filter Operators table explains the filter operators used before 2021.2.
Table 3. Filter Operators
Filter Operators Description
equals(property, value) This represents the exact match condition ignoring case.
fullText(property, value) This operator combines the overall result. Any entity for which the title field contains at least one of the specified terms will match the query. The entity is more relevant when there are more terms that match.
startsWith(property, stricted value) This explains the prefix condition. It returns entities that have condition property starting with condition value.
contains(property, tokenized value) This represents the prefix condition. It returns entities that have condition property starting with condition value.
lt(property, value) This describes the less than condition.
lte(property, value) This describes the less than or equals condition.
gt(property, value) The describes the greater than condition.
gte(property, value) The describes the greater than or equals condition.
missing(property) This returns entities with fields that have no values for property.
exists(property) This returns entities having non-empty values for property.

Filter Operators (available from 2021.2)

Note: All the filter operators which were used prior to 2021.2 are still supported.
The following New Filter Operators table explains the search filters used from 2021.2.
Table 4. New Filter Operators
Filter operators Description
inSameAttributeValue(subquery on sourceMappings/localizations/attributes) This filter operator returns entities which have all the values matching to a the subquery in one single sourceMappings/ localizations/attributes values.
Note: The subquery supports all operands except inSameAttributeValue. All these operands must have sub attributes of sourceMappings or localizations or attribute values. The sub attribute from type and sourceMappings.source cannot be used inside the inSameAttributeValue..


filter=inSameAttributeValue(equals(sourceMappings.source,”Salesforce”) AND equals(sourceMappings.values.value, “United States”))

Sort: The results are sorted based on a Search Filters properties, such as type, code, value and so on.

Order: The order of sorting. This is applicable only in combination with the sort parameter. The available values are: asc, desc

{{rdm_uri}}/lookups/{{rdm_tenant}}?filter=(equals(parents,"rdm/lookupTypes/COUNTRY/USA") AND equals(enabled,true)) OR (equals(parents,"rdm/lookupTypes/COUNTRY/FRA") AND lt(updateDate,978307200000))&sort=code&order=asc

Filter by Localized Values

Filter operators for the localization property take language from the Accept-Language HTTP header and apply these operators to values from localizations of lookups for specified language.

Note: We have two ways to get localized values. One is by the header Accept-Language. Another way to get the localized value is by filters localizations.languageCode and localizations.value. The localizations.value can be used from 2021.2.
GET: {{rdm_uri}}/lookups/{{rdm_tenant}}?filter=equals(localizations.languageCode,'en-us') OR contains(localizations.value,'United'))
GET: {{rdm_uri}}/lookups/{{rdm_tenant}}?filter=inSameAttributeValue(equals(localizations.languageCode,'en-us') AND equals(localizations.value,'USA')))&sort=value&order=desc
Search filters for Unmapped Value

Search filters for Unmapped Value

The Search Filters for unmapped values enables you to search lookup values by a condition.

Filter query parameter is formatted in the following way:

filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition Type}]*).

The following Search Filters (unmapped values) table explains the search filters used for unmapped values.

Table 5. Search Filters (unmapped values)
Field Type
type Explains the lookup type name.

Example: equals(type,"State")

source Explains the source system.

Example: equals(source,"Reltio")

code Explains the unmapped code.

Example: equals(code,"NY")

value Explains the unmapped value.

Example: equals(value,"New York")

updateDate Explains the unmapped lookup last update date. Set in timestamp.

Example: lt(updateDate,"1622564706972")

updatedBy Represents the user who made the last changes.

Example: lt(updatedBy,”User”)

Search Filters for Unmapped Value

Note: Both the new and existing search filters for unmapped value are supported.

The following New Search Filters for Unmapped Value table explains the search filters used for unmapped values.

Table 6. New Search Filters for Unmapped Value
Field Type
attributes.name Explains the name of the attribute.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all the values matching to the subquery.
attributes.value Represents the value of the attributes.
Note: Use inSameAttributeValue to search lookups that have all values matching to the subquery.

Offset and limit for search operations

Offset is a positive integer value to identify starting what element in a result set must be returned in a response. Offset can be used to organize pagination in combination with the limit parameter. The default value is 0.

Limit is a positive integer value to identify the maximum number of entities to return in a response. Limit can be used to organize pagination in combination with the "offset parameter. The default value is 100.
GET: {{rdm_uri}}/lookups/{{rdm_tenant}}?filter=equals(type,"Country")&limit=50&offset=1200 Limitation on offset search option.


Note: The updated maximum value and offset parameters, when combined, must not exceed the value of 10,000. Some examples of valid combinations are:
  • offset=9900 and max=100
  • offset=9800 and max=200

To avoid this restriction use Scan with Filter endpoint.