Unify and manage your data

Gauge chart in the Profile view

Learn more about the gauge chart in the Profile view .

A gauge chart displays a single value within a predefined range, typically represented as a semi-circular gauge with a needle pointing to the relevant value. You've likely seen these in common use cases, such as tracking sales targets or checking internet speed.

The Profile view in Hub hosts gauge charts that can be configured based on your requirements. For example, you can configure your chart to view the financial credit score of your customers or vendors.

Here's a sample gauge chart in the Profile view:

Notice the gauge chart that shows the credit score for the entity.

So, how do you do this? Edit your UI JSON configuration file to include the required configuration.

Here's an example configuration for the gauge chart:

{ "id": "com.reltio.plugins.GaugeView", "class": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.GaugeView", "caption": "Caption", "label": "test label", "point": "com.reltio.plugins.ui.view" "attributeUri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Int", "ranges": [ { "color": "rgb(219, 78, 32)", "value": 100 }, { "color": "rgb(182, 232, 19)", "value": 100 } ] },
Note: In the example above, we've specified the value for each range as 100. This denotes that the first range is from 0-100, the second one from 101-200, and so on. When you see the Gauge chart in the Profile view, the first range is displayed in the color specified in range 1 above, the second range in the color form range 2 here, and so on.
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