Unify and manage your data

Modifying Reference Attributes

Modify any attribute of an entity.

If you modify any attribute of an entity (for example, Location), the API sends an ENTITY_CHANGED event to external queues for all entities (HCP and HCO), where entity (Location) is a refEntity for ref.attributes.

The behavior occurs as follows:

  • If you change a non-referenced attribute in entities or relations, ENTITY_CHANGED and RELATION_CHANGED are not sent to all related entities. This occurs only for the entity you change.
  • If you change a referenced attribute in entities or relations, ENTITY_CHANGED and RELATION_CHANGED are sent to all related entities.

For example, if there are 10 HCPs with the same Location, the results are as follows:

  • If you change a non-referenced attribute (for example, Neighborhood) the platform sends only one ENTITY_CHANGED to the Location entity.
  • If you change a referenced attribute (for example, AddressLine1) the platform sends 11 ENTITY_CHANGED events to the Location and all related HCPs.
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