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Get Total Count of activity log records

Learn how the API returns number of Activity Log Records matching specified criteria.

This function returns the number of Activity Log Records matching specified criteria.


GET {TenantURL}/activities/_total
Note: Irrespective of the value that you enter in the filter={Condition Type}(property, value) condition, the search engine considers only the first 256 symbols of the entered value and ignores the rest.
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Details Example
Headers Authorization Yes Information about the authentication access token in the format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API).
Query filter No Enables activities filtering by a condition. For more information, see Filtering activities.

Filter by object type:


Filter by user:


Filter by a String across all properties:


Find activities with items without object type:


Find activities that have non-empty description:


Find activities, which occurred after 2015-04-01:

filter=(gt(timestamp, 1427742000000))

Find activities, which occurred between 2015-03-01 and 2015-04-01:

Important: Only If the indexActivityDelta parameter is set to true in the Tenant Storage Configuration, the items.delta.attributeType, items.delta.newValue, items.delta.oldValue, and items.delta.sources filters are available.


JSON object with total number of Activity Log Records matching search filters:

Find activities for "user1"


GET {TenantURL}/activities/_total?filter=(equals(user,'user1'))
Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512 


    "total": 46465