Unify and manage your data

About Delta Changes for Attributes

The Reltio Platform calculates the attribute deltas between the initial state of the object, that is, before the object was updated, and the state of the object after it is updated.

When any entity or relationship object is updated in the Reltio Platform, it stores the attribute delta changes inside an activity log item in the deltaCollection field, which contains the following properties:

  • ovChanged: This flag indicates whether any of the operational values are changed or not.
  • delta: This field contains a collection of attribute deltas or changes, which provide information about the sub-field value before and after the entity or relationship object is changed such as the Operational Values (OV), OV flag of the values, and information about the sources for which the values are changed. Following are the possible delta types:

The ovChanged flag also can be passed to the streamed events in the case where analyzeOvChanges is enabled in the tenant streaming configuration.

Important: If there are changes inside a relation or an entity, which is part of reference attribute for some related entities, the ovChanged flag is always true for ENTITY_CHANGED events sent for these related entities due to a reference attribute change. This is a type of optimization to avoid potential huge negative performance impact in delta calculation in the event some referenced entity with numerous related entities was changed.

View the deltaCollection Field Types

The deltaCollection field displays all the attributes of the object that have changed. See the fields in Table 1: Delta Collection Field Types to view the sub-fields in the deltaCollection field.
Table 1. Delta Collection Field Types
Field Type
ovChanged Boolean
delta JSON array of attribute deltas

View the Attribute Fields for Delta Changes

The different fields that are changed are displayed in the deltaCollection field. See the fields in Table 2: Attribute Delta Changes to view the attribute fields for which delta changes were done.
Table 2. Attribute Delta Changes
Field Type
type String
attributeType String
newValue JSON object of attribute values
oldValue JSON object of attribute values

View the Attribute Values for Delta Changes

The old and new values are displayed in the deltaCollection field. See the fields in Table 3: Attribute Values to view the values in the attribute fields for which delta changes were done.
Table 3. Attribute Values
Field Type
id String
value String or JSON object of nested attribute values
ov Boolean
sources JSON array of strings

View the Nested Attribute Field Values

Use the fields in Table 4: Nested Attribute Values to view the values in the nested attribute fields, such as Address, for which delta changes were done.
Table 4. Nested Attribute Values
Field Type
Attribute Name JSON object of attribute values

The following JSON shows the attribute deltas:
