Unify and manage your data

Find Connected Parties

Use this API to find for an entity, its relation to other parties and also get profiles of the related parties.

The Find connected parties API enables you to search for entities and find it's related entities. Earlier where you were using multiple APIs to do these operations, the same can be achieved using this API. It also improves the latency, thus saving some time on execution and extra network latency.

This API uses a filter to search for entities, finds other entities related to the main entity by a specific relationship type, and returns all entities along with reference attributes.

In response, the count of entities (for both the main entities and related entities) and their reference attributes are returned.


POST /reltio/api/<tenantId>/entities/_findConnectedParties?max=50&returnAnalyticAttributes=false
Table 1. Parameters
HeadersAuthorizationYesInformation about the authentication access token in the format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API ).
Content-TypeYesShould be "Content-Type: application/json".
BodyrelationTypesNo The type of relation that connects two entities. The API searches for entities based on the relationship type specified here. If empty, then the result would contain search results only.

The types of entities that must be returned in the response. If empty no profiles are returned.

referenceAttributesForTypesNoThe types of entities that should be returned with reference attributes. If this parameter is empty, then all entities will be returned without reference attributes.

You can specify any valid search filter. Based on the filter, the first 50 matching entities are considered from the search response. To increase this number, you can specify the number in the max parameter.

QueryselectNoComma-separated list of properties from entity structure that should be returned in a response. Allows you to return partial entity object. List of entity object properties you can find here-Entities. Additional system properties are:
  • attributes._lookupCodes: return codes for lookup attributes.
  • attributes._lookupValues: return values for lookup attributes.
Example: select=URI,label,attributes._lookupCodes,attributes._lookupValues

The maximum number of entities of the search response to be used. By default, the first 50 entities are considered.

offsetNoPositive Integer value to identify starting what element in a result set should be returned in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the max parameter. Default value is 0.
Note: The updated maximum value and offset parameters, when combined, must not exceed the value of 10,000. Some examples of valid combinations are:
  • offset=9900 and max=100
  • offset=9800 and max=200
sortNoSort parameter is used with Order parameter. Sort parameter points to the attribute or a list of attributes where ordering must be applied. If you order the result set as ascending or descending (reversed), you must use the Sort parameter to list the attributes that must be used for ordering.

Example: sort=attributes.FirstName

Important: The sorting will not be used if this parameter is not provided or the value is not recognized. Sorting is available on multiple parameters combining the parameters using & sign. The & symbol is encoded as %26 in the request.

Sorting priority of the parameters depends upon the order you have added the parameters in the request while using multiple sorting.



At first, the resultset is sorted alphabetically by the attributes FirstName. The sorted result set will be sorted again by sort=attributes.LastName.
orderNoOrder of sorting. Applicable only in combination with the sort parameter. Possible values:
  • asc: results are shown in ascending order.
  • desc: results are shown in descending order.
Default sorting is asc.

Example: order=desc

optionsNoComma-separated list of different options. Available options:
  • sendHidden: disabled by default; entity's JSON will contain hidden attributes if this option is enabled.
  • searchByOv: disabled by default, to search by all attributes with Operational Value (OV) only.
    • You can use the searchByOv and sortByOv options in case of STATIC index OV strategy. If you use searchByOv option, sorting by OV works automatically.
    • In case of NONE strategy, the sortByOv option is ignored. If you want to sort by OV, you should switch indexOvStrategy to STATIC.
  • ovOnly: return only attribute values that have the ov=true flag.
  • nonOvOnly: return only attribute values that have the ov=false flag. If you have a nested or reference attribute value, where ov=true, but sub-attributes, where ov=false, then these sub-attributes do not appear in the response.

Example: options=searchByOv


Specifies maximum number of values listed in attributes. This restriction is intended for UI convenience in the case of very long lists of values in some attributes.

Example: defaultMaxValues=10


Activeness is the indicator of an entity that is currently effective.

The following options are available.

These options are active, all, and not_active.

  • active - This option allows you to search only active entities. This is the default option.
  • all - This option allows you to search for active or expired entities.
  • expired - This option allows you to search for only expired entities.

Example: activeness=all

scoreEnabledNoWhen set to true, documents with search hits in labels get more search relevance score. The default value is false.

Denotes whether the analytical attributes for entities must be returned or not. If this parameter is true, then the latency of the request could be increased (even if there are no analytic attributes in the entities). By default, this parameter is set to false.


Returns the total number of entities that match the specified search criteria, entities grouped by the entity type, and the total number of entities by type.


POST /reltio/api/<tenantId>/entities/_findConnectedParties?max=50&returnAnalyticAttributes=false
    "filter": "equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Individual') and contains(attributes.Contracts.ContractNumber, 'AZH3221318002')",
  "relationTypes": [
  "entityTypes": [
  "referenceAttributesForTypes": [


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In the above response, the following parameters denote:
  • filteredTotal: The total number of entities that matched the specified criteria.
  • entities : The entities grouped by the entity type.
  • total: The total number of entities of a particular entity type.