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Facet Search by Statistics Aggregation

Calculates statistics of attribute values: min, max, count, average, and sum.

General restrictions

The min, max, average, and sum values of aggregation operate on the double representation of the data. As a consequence, the result may be approximate when running on longs (fields with long type) whose absolute value is greater than 2^53.

Stats Aggregation

This type of aggregation calculates statistics of the attribute values min, max, count, average, and sum.

Table 1. Request Body Description
Parameter Value Required Value Type
fieldName Facet attribute (same as facet in basic facet request) Yes String
facetType stats Yes ENUM

Response Format

The response contains:

Field Type Description
count long Amount of values.
min double Minimal value; not present if count=0.
max double Maximum value; not present if count=0.
avg double Average value; not present if count=0.
sum double Sum of values; not present if count=0.


POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_facets
                "fieldName": "attributes.height",
                "facetType": "stats"
Note: For interaction objects, you can perform the same facets search request by using the following: POST {{api_uri}}/{{tenant}}/interactions/_facets.


  "attributes.height": {
    "count": 4,
    "min": 100.0,
    "max": 400.0,
    "avg": 202.5,
    "sum": 810.0

Extended Stats Aggregation

The extended_stats aggregation is an extended version of the stats aggregation, where additional metrics are added such as the sum of squares, standard deviation (SD), variance, and SD bounds. In addition to stats aggregation, this can have input parameters.

By default, the extended_stats metric will return SD bounds, which provides an interval of plus/minus two standard deviations from the mean. If you want a different boundary, for example, three standard deviations, sigma can be specified as a request parameter.

Table 2. Input Parameters
Parameter Value Required Value Type
fieldName Facet attribute (same as facet in basic facet request) Yes String
facetType extended_stats Yes ENUM
sigma No double

Response Format

The response contains:

Field Type Description
count long Amount of values.
min double Minimal value; not present if count=0.
max double Maximum value; not present if count=0.
avg double Average value; not present if count=0.
sum double Sum of values; not present if count=0.
sum_of_squares double Sum of squares; not present if count=0.
variance double Variance of SD; not present if count=0.
std_deviation double Standard deviation value; not present if count=0.
std_deviation_upper_bound double SD upper bound; not present if count=0.
std_deviation_lower_bound double SD lower bound; not present if count=0.


POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_facets
    "fieldName": "attributes.height",
    "facetType": "extended_stats",
    "sigma": 3.0


 "attributes.height": {
   "count": 4,
   "min": 100.0,
   "max": 400.0,
   "avg": 202.5,
   "sum": 810.0,
   "sum_of_squares": 222100.0,
   "variance": 14518.75,
   "std_deviation": 120.49377577285891,
   "std_deviation_upper_bound": 443.4875515457178,
   "std_deviation_lower_bound": -38.48755154571782

Min/Max/Sum/Avg/Count Aggregations

This type of aggregation is single value aggregation to find min/max/sum/avg value or amount of values.

Table 3. Request Body Description
Parameter Value Required Value Type
fieldName Facet attribute (same as facet in basic facet request) Yes String
facetType One of the following: min, max, sum, avg, or valueCount Yes ENUM

Response Format

The response contains:

Table 4. Min Aggregation
Field Type Description
min double Minimal value; null if no data has matched.
Table 5. Max Aggregation
Field Type Description
max double Maximum value; null if no data has matched.
Table 6. Avg Aggregation
Field Type Description
avg double Average value; null if no data has matched.
Table 7. Sum Aggregation
Field Type Description
sum double Sum of values; 0 if no data has matched.
Table 8. Count Aggregation
Field Type Description
count long Count of values; 0 if no data has matched.


POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_facets
    "fieldName": "attributes.height",
    "facetType": "min"


  "attributes.height": {
    "min": 100.0

Response (in case no data has matched)

  "attributes.height": {}

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Faceted Search

Multiple Faceted Search