Upload Image (Version)
Parameters | Name | Required | Details |
Headers | Authorization |
Yes | Information about the authentication access token in the format Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API ). |
Query | environmentId |
Yes | Environment identifier which builds the URL
as https://{environmentId}.reltio.com . |
tenantId |
Yes | Tenant identifier. | |
Body | Yes | Content-type should be
multipart/form-data . |
file |
No | Image to upload. Type should be application/octet-stream. | |
sourceURL |
No | URL of source image. | |
upload |
No | If true the image should be uploaded to S3.
This is taken into account only if sourceUrl is
specified. Default value is true. |
Upload the image file by a specified URL:
Upload the image file:
Root Cause | Status Code | Error Code |
Authorization token is not valid. | 401 | 42001 |
File format is not supported. | 415 | 42002 |
File size exceeds configured maximum file size. | 400 | 42003 |
Illegal request parameters. | 400 | 42004 |
Internal service error. | 500 | 42005 |
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