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Image Hosting Version and Status API

Image Hosting URL:

{ImageHostingURL} is typically an instance name plus the /ih service identifier, for example, http://idev-01-ih.reltio.com/ih.

Image Hosting helps you work with image attributes. It consists of two parts:

  • Image Hosting Service (IH Service): Within this service, you can upload the image to external storage and evaluate a preview and thumbnail for it.
  • Image Hosting Batch (IH Batch): Within this service, you can start an evaluation of previews and thumbnails for all entities in some tenant.

Common Principles

HTTP Connection

Only HTTPS requests are possible.

HTTP Header

All requests must have the Authorization attribute; otherwise, the request will not execute, and the response will contain an error.

Example Description
Authorization: Bearer b55461c0-243f-43d7-964a-5582c783fb70 OAuth2 authorization token is checked on the service side for each request.

Error Object

{ "errorCode": 5-digit code, "errorMessage": "Human readable descriptive error message", “stackTrace”: “Java exception’s stack trace. Is sent only when some unexpected internal service exception occurs” }
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