Start Batch Processing
Starts the process that goes through all entities and calculates image-specific attributes for each image attribute inside the entity.
Parameters | Name | Required | Details |
Headers | Authorization |
Yes | Information about the authentication access token in the format
Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API). |
Query | environmentId |
Yes | Environment identifier which builds the URL as
https://{environmentId} . |
tenantId |
Yes | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Scanning started successfully. |
401 | auth token is not valid. |
500 | Something went wrong. |
Properties of Image Hosting are specified in the Cluster-configuration/ file located on S3.
Prefix | Name | Description |
{envId}.{tenantId}. |
authServer |
URL of auth server (with protocol). |
accessKey |
AWS access and secret keys used for uploading images onto S3. | |
secretKey |
bucket |
Bucket + (optionally) path on S3. | |
cdnHost |
CDN host + path if CDN is configured. Used for
transforming image URL to CDN URL. If cdnHost is
not specified, CDN URLs returned by service will be the same as
source URLs. |
cdnPath |
maxFileSize |
Maximum allowed size of file in bytes. | |
supportedTypes |
List of supported mime-types, split by commas. | |
batchUser |
Username and password used by batch mode. | |
batchPassword |
s3HostUrl |
Value used as URL to S3 service; default is S3 Service. |