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Start Batch Processing

Starts the process that goes through all entities and calculates image-specific attributes for each image attribute inside the entity.


POST {ImageHostingURL}/batch/api/{environmentId}/{tenantId}/rebuildImages
Table 1. Parameters
Parameters Name Required Details
Headers Authorization Yes Information about the authentication access token in the format Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API).
Query environmentId Yes Environment identifier which builds the URL as https://{environmentId}.reltio.com.
tenantId Yes Tenant identifier.
Table 2. Response:
Status Code Description
200 Scanning started successfully.
401 auth token is not valid.
500 Something went wrong.


Properties of Image Hosting are specified in the Cluster-configuration/dev-ih.properties file located on S3.

Prefix Name Description
{envId}.{tenantId}. authServer URL of auth server (with protocol).
accessKey AWS access and secret keys used for uploading images onto S3.
bucket Bucket + (optionally) path on S3.
cdnHost CDN host + path if CDN is configured. Used for transforming image URL to CDN URL. If cdnHost is not specified, CDN URLs returned by service will be the same as source URLs.
maxFileSize Maximum allowed size of file in bytes.
supportedTypes List of supported mime-types, split by commas.
batchUser Username and password used by batch mode.
s3HostUrl Value used as URL to S3 service; default is S3 Service.
{ "hash": "${git.commit.id}", "branch": "${git.branch}", "commitTime": "${git.commit.time}", "release": "2017." }
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