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Get access token with MFA

Learn how to get access token with MFA

Get an access token in Postman or a script (outside of the Reltio UI).
To get an access token with MFA:
  1. Log in with your username and password with grant type in Postman or script.
    You will get a state_token instead of an access_token as a response.
  2. Run a second request sending state_token or TOTP code with state_token grant type.
    You get an access_token as a response.
    Table 1. Parameters
    Name Required Description
    Headers Authorization Yes Bearer {{token}}
    Bodyform-data Yes QR code verification details.
    username:{{your username}} password:{{password}} grant_type:password
    Note: {{token}} in the headers refer to a client_id:client_secret that has password grant_type defined. This client credential is used to identify your client application. No permissions are required under this client. For more details, see topic Creating client credentials

    200 Ok as the HTTP status code { "expires_in": 599, "state_token": { "mfaType": "AUTHENTICATOR", "expires_in": "600", "status": "ENROLL", "token": "fa7e4518-ad20-4e15-b386-0343b241fe50" } }
  3. Obtain an access token with the state_token and submit an OTP code.
    Note: If you are enrolled in app-based MFA, you get the OTP on your mobile phone app. If you are enrolled in email-based MFA, you receive the OTP in your email.
    state_token:{{state_token from previous request}} totp:{{OTP code}} grant_type:state_token

    { "access_token": "s.AAALQii1L...39DCbQBHmOdw", "token_type": "bearer", "refresh_token": "fa7e5817-0bf6-461c-97ab-c6b7a9e0f556", "expires_in": 3598, "scope": "clients_api configuration_api entities_api graphs_api groups_api interactions_api relations_api users_api" }
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