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Landing table datasets for Snowflake

Learn about the landing table dataset.

This table holds data for all landing tables. Use these datasets to view your landing table metadata.
Note: Null values are allowed for all fields.
FieldDescriptionData TypePrimary key/Unique key
uriThe universal resource identifier. It is in the format <ObjectTypeSpecifier>/Id.

Example: For entities the ObjectTypeSpecifier is entities. So if the id is wewew12, the Uri is entities/wewew12.

timestampThe time when the entity is created in Snowflake. If data is synced between Reltio and Snowflake, the time of the sync is also displayed here.NUMBERNo/No
deletedA value that indicates whether the entity is deleted or not.BOOLEANNo/No
linkedA value that indicates whether the entity is linked or has references to another entity.BOOLEANNo/No
objectTypeThe type of object. For example, the object type for an entity is ObjectType is ENTITY and the object type for a relation is RELATION.VARCHARNo/No
typeThe entity type.VARCHARNo/No
jsonThe complete entity with all the attributes in JSON format.VARIANTNo/No