Reltio Enrichment with Moody's Orbis operating modes
Learn about Reltio Enrichment with Moody's Orbis operating modes
- Name of the organization
- Address of the organization with primary address indicator set
- Type of the address
- Get Match to search for and match a record with the Moody's Orbis database. You can search for the organization name, organization address, and confidence code or match score.
- Get Details to search for and enrich the matched record with the organization data using the Moody's Orbis Identifier. The Organization record is enriched with additional data from Moody's Orbis, including an updated corporate hierarchy.
On-Demand mode
Use the Reltio Enrichment with Moody's Orbis Get Match to match Organization data. Use the Get Details to add additional details.
Data stewards can use the on-demand mode to search for data using the BvD match button on the UI. After clicking the button, the search records are available from the Potential Matches perspective, and the data steward can select the record to be merged. If the search records indicate a match score of 1, then records with a match score of 1 are merged automatically.
Generate Matches
The Get Match can be triggered by a user through Reltio’s Profile page. The matching process can return one or more potential matches for your records from Moody's Orbis. A matched record displays a unique Moody's Orbis identifier of the account, name as given by Moody's Orbis, and addresses.
To get the Moody's Orbis matching records for a single organization, click the BvD match button on the Profile page.
Initially, no matches are shown on the page. After you click the BvD match button, the relevant matches appear once the API completes its request. A pop-up window also displays the number of potential matches.
If an exact match is found with a match score of 1, then the match is automatically retrieved and merged with the organization profile.
You can further enrich and update the organization profile with a corporate hierarchy using the BvD details button.
Generate Address and Organization Hierarchy
The Get Match can be triggered by a user through Reltio’s Profile page. To get more details for a single organization, click the BvD details button on the Profile page.
After you click the BvD details button, the relevant matches display once the API completes its request. A pop-up window also displays a message saying the data has been enriched.
The following image displays more details added to the Address attribute:
The following image displays more details added to the Hierarchy attribute:
Batch mode
This mode is typically used for an initial data load, when organizations’ Moody's Orbis identifiers are not available. It can also be used to periodically append a new organization's data in a Reltio tenant with the latest Moody's Orbis data.
Real-time mode
You can configure match operations in real-time using Reltio events published into Reltio external queues. During the process, each recipe in RIH waits for new events in the corresponding queues, converts them to Moody's Orbis match requests, and calls the Moody's Orbis match recipe.
For more information on using the real-time trigger mechanism to match records in real-time, see Real-time triggers.