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Configure a SnapLogic account for Reltio API authentication

Learn how to configure a SnapLogic account to obtain and refresh a Reltio API access token.

Each Reltio REST API request must have a valid access token in its header. Reltio Connector for SnapLogic requires a basic account in Snaplogic to be executed in a pipeline. This SnapLogic account contains the information that Snaplogic needs to obtain and refresh a Reltio API access token.

You must create a SnapLogic account that contains the URL of Reltio's Authentication server. SnapLogic uses this information to request an access token from the specified Auth server. When you use SnapLogic to create a request, Snaplogic uses this information to provide the current access token or generate a refresh token if the initial token has expired.

Each successful response from the Reltio Auth server also includes information on when it expires and a refresh token. SnapLogic has the ability to request a new access token when the current access token expires. It does this by checking whether the current access token is valid before submitting the new request.

This table identifies the required settings for this SnapLogic account.
Field NameDescription


User-provided label for the account instance.



This field denotes the user ID provided to access Reltio.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Default value: [None]



The field specifies the password used to connect to Reltio. A valid password must be provided to authenticate all the operations in Reltio.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Default value: [None]



The field specifies the endpoint provided to retrieve the access token and to refresh the token for a new access token every time.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Example: https://auth.reltio.com/oauth

Default value: https://<your_oauth_url>/token



The field denotes the client API key provided by Reltio to the user for invoking the API.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Default value: csdGassdhdghrhnkllvXkkljkg3VpO7bngh8gQ==

S3 Access-key ID

The S3 Access key ID, provided as a part of AWS authentication.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Default value: [None]

S3 Secret key

The S3 Secret key, provided as a part of AWS Authentication.

The value can be provided dynamically as a pipeline parameter or directly in the Snap, but not as an upstream parameter.

Default value: [None]

You can also configure a Reltio account in the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager:

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