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Prerequisites of Using Reltio Enrichment with D&B

You need valid credentials of either the Direct 2.0 or Direct+ D&B products, and so on, to use the Reltio Enrichment with D&B.

The following are the prerequisites to using Reltio Enrichment with D&B:

  • Valid D&B credentials obtained through D&B by purchasing the licenses for D&B products.
  • Any of the following Direct 2.0 or Direct+ products:
    Direct 2.0 ProductDirect+ Products
    • DCP_PREM
    • LNK_UPF (for family tree)
    • CMPELF
    • CMPELK
  • Reltio Enrichment with D&B currently supports the default Account 360 data model available through Reltio Account 360 accelerator. The following attributes need to be available in the data model for Customer Tenant (CT) and Data Tenant (DT):
    DUNSNumberCT, DTYOn Demand, batchEach entity type must have a DUNS Number attribute for processing by the connector
    entityURICT, DTYOn Demand, matchPart of the match rule on DT to view and merge potential matches from DT to CT through the DTSS service
    DnBSourceCTNOn Demand, batchInformation attribute
    DtssCustomerTenantIdDTYOn Demand, matchSecurity attribute used so that the customer views potential matches for their own tenants and not view matches of other customers in case of a shared DT
    AutoMatchFlagCT, DTYOn Demand, matchPart of the match rule for auto merge potential matches from DT to CT through the DTSS service
    SuspectMatchFlagCT, DTYOn Demand, matchPart of suspect match rule for potential matches from DT to CT through DTSS service
    VendorVerificationDateCTNOn Demand, batchIndicates the current date
    VendorVerificationStatusCTNOn Demand, batchIndicates the status of operation
    configuration/relationTypes/DnBHierarchyCTYOn Demand, batchConnector creates a hierarchy for the target entity using the relation type DnBHierarchy. The CT must have such a relation available for target types. By default the DnBHierarchy relation connects the Organization type.
  • Reltio data model must have the following attributes:
    • IsPrimary attribute for Address
    • Address Type must be Billing or Shipping
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