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Modes of Operation

Learn how Reltio Enrichment with D&B is used to import data from Dun & Bradstreet in On Demand or Batch mode.

Reltio Enrichment with D&B can be integrated with Direct+ APIs of D&B, in both On Demand and Batch modes.

Note: To avoid issues with using the ampersand symbol (&) in code, in our software, we use the acronym DnB for Name fields and use D&B in Display Names.

On Demand mode

Use the On Demand mode for enriching a single record in real-time, through the Reltio UI. The On Demand mode is a series of steps involving the Get Match record with a D&B database, followed by enriching the matched record with Get Company Details data. The Get upward account hierarchy step retrieves all parent organizations (all organizations to its global ultimate) from the current organization.

Batch mode

Use the Reltio D&B Batch Connector for large volumes of data at infrequent intervals such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. This process runs automatically using a batch interface which you schedule at your desired frequency. The process helps in both matching and enriching the account record with D&B data at the same time.

Configuration parameters

When we configure the Reltio Enrichment with D&B for your tenant, we set up the following parameters for best performance.

Parameter TypeParameterDefault valueDescription

Direct+ batch 25000 entities

Limit for Direct+ based batch is 25K entities per job. If parameter greater than 25K for Direct+ based batch, then batch size will be 25K.

BATCH_SIZE200Input bucket size when integration updates entities in Reltio. The integration will read BATCH_SIZE lines from the input file, push them to Reltio and then read the next chunk.
THREAD_BATCH_COUNT3Threads for batch jobs processing per instance.
THREAD_COUNT20Maximum number of threads in executors for Reltio API operations.
Entry files processingIS_PARALLEL_FILE_PROCESSINGtrueWhether the integration uses parallel processing for entry files, in updates to Reltio.