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Entity relationships

Learn about entity relationships.

In an entity relationship, one relationship covers both the forward and reverse relations.

Any entity relationship has the following properties:

  • Defines links between entities: Entity-Entity
  • May have attributes
  • Supports taxonomies
  • Is directional
  • May have rules
For example, this example of a parent relationship shows that:
  • John is the parent of Sandra
  • Sandra is the child of John

In addition, you can add rules to the directional context based on the value of an entity attribute (for example, gender):
  • John (Male) is the father of Sandra
  • Sandra (Female) is the daughter of John

Relationships have their own properties including:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Direction-un-directed, directed, bi-directional
  • Start and End entities for the relationship
  • Directional context
  • Base attributes
  • Simple
  • Complex

Relationships can be organized into hierarchies by defining subtypes that are a more specific version of the parent supertype. For example, a family relationship can be a supertype of father, mother, sister, brother relationships. If a relationship type has a supertype, it inherits the properties and attributes from the supertype. A relationship can also have its own custom attributes. Relationships are directional - they have a start object and an end object, and the relationship has a labelPattern, which is displayed in any relationship facets that display the relationship:

In this example, Josephine is affiliated with the organization and has the "affiliated with" as the labelPattern.