Unify and manage your data

Exploring the Hierarchy Management Facet

Using the Hierarchy Management facet, you can visualize the hierarchies and make quick updates.

Profiles' Hierarchy Management facet allows you, as a Data Steward, to manage your hierarchy data and visualize it in different ways, with just a few clicks. For example, you can easily change your organization hierarchies to match the latest changes in your organization, or, update the sales hierarchy to match the sales and marketing updates in your company.

The Profile action mode determines what you can do in the Hierarchy Management facet. In the Viewing mode, you cannot make any changes to the data. To make any changes, you must select the Editing mode on the Profile.

The Profile action modes are to the right of the Profile tab:

Let's cover the Hierachy facet in the Viewing mode. For information on managing the hierarchies in the Editing mode, see the Working with the Hierarchy Management Facet topic.

Hierarchy facet basics

The title on your Hierarchy Management facet is the Caption specified while configuring the facet through the UI Modeler. In our example, the caption or the title of the facet is Legal Entities Hierarchy.

Clicking the Show graph icon opens the hierarchy in the Graph perspective. By default, the tree view of the existing graph type is displayed.

You can select the date from which the current hierarchy view is applicable by selecting the Effective date for the hierarchy.

By default, the current profile that you are on is highlighted in the Hierarchy Management facet. The count of all the entities in each node is displayed along with the name of the node/entity. In our example above, the Company ABC contains 3 entities, and Entity B contains 2 entities.

You can expand a node by clicking the arrow on the left side of the node. In addition, you can also click an entity in the Hierarchy Management facet and open the Profile view of that entity. If you would like to remain on the same page but open an entity in the Profile view from the hierarchy, you can right-click on the entity and open it in a new tab. If you have expanded several nodes and want to return to the node specific to the profile that you are on, click the Scroll to icon () on the top-right of the Hierarchy Management facet.

The hierarchy details are sorted by Relationship type label or Entity label based on the Hierarchy Management Facet settings.

By default, the hierarchy is sorted on the Entity label and is in the ascending order. Using the View Options icon (), you can also sort the hierarchy by the Relationship type label. For example, you want the hierarchy to be sorted such that all the employees in the organization are listed first and then the contractors.

You can display the secondary labels for the entities as well. Use the UI Modeler application in Console to set these preferences. For more information, see Configure your profile pages.

Multiple parents for an entity

If an entity has more than one parent, then the following icon is displayed next to the entity name.

Click the icon to view the other parents for the entity.

Hierarchy facet relationships

In the Hierarchy facet, you can show or hide the relationship details for an entity. Except for the top-most or root node, when you hover over a node/entity, the View details icon appears.

When you select the View details icon, you view the relationship attributes for the relationship. For example, the relationship name (label), start date, end date, and other attributes. Here is an expanded example

By default, the first five available attributes are displayed. When available, click the Show more option to view more attributes for the relationship. Click the Hide details to hide these relationship details.

To configure the relationship attributes to display in the facet, update the Hierarchy facet section in your UI configuration file with the URIs of the relationship attributes. For example:

   "id": "HierarchyTreeComponentId",
   "component": "HierarchyTree",
   "graph": {
      "type": "configuration/graphTypes/BidirectionalGraph"
   "caption": "Hierarchy",
   "includeUris":  [