Workflow FAQ
FAQ about workflow configuration.
Workflow Configuration
- When a new version of process definition is deployed, does it
affect the currently running process?
The newly deployed process definition will be applied when a new instance is started.
- On the process level, we define
to be used for the first user task. In the user tasks that appear later, can we set different roles to be used by this assigning process?For each user task, you can use the following task-level fields to override the process-levelpossibleAssignees
property:Candidate User
Candidate Group
- How do we handle multiple Decision fields coming from different user tasks into the
same gateway? Will the tool recognize that there are multiple decisions that
need to be checked before the workflow can move forward?
Yes, the tool supports inputs per one Exclusive Gateway. For example, If User Task "A" has decisions 'a1', 'a2', and User Task "B" has decisions 'b1', 'b2', and "A" is linked with an input flow to Gateway "G"and "B" is linked with an input flow to Gateway "G", then "G" will require to define output flows with conditions for decisions 'a1', 'a2', 'b1', 'b2' (except 'Cancel').
Workflow Customization
- Where can I find the necessary packages that contain the interfaces to start
writing custom workflows?
Refer the project Workflow Bitbucket.
- What is a Bitbucket repository and why do I need one for custom workflows in Reltio?
A Bitbucket repository is a storage location provided by Reltio where you can store and manage your custom workflow code. It facilitates automated building and deployment processes through integrated pipelines, ensuring streamlined updates and adherence to code quality standards.
- How can I request a Bitbucket repository for my custom workflows?
If you do not have a Bitbucket repository set up, contact Reltio Support to initiate the request. The support team will liaise with the Workflow team to create your repository and grant the necessary permissions. For more information, see topic Configure custom workflows.
- What happens after I merge a pull request in the Bitbucket repository?
Once a pull request is merged, an automated pipeline triggers the building of a new JAR file from the merged code. This JAR is then automatically uploaded to your designated AWS S3 bucket, ready for registration and use in your tenant.
- How do I know if my code meets the required standards before submitting a pull request?
The integrated pipelines with tools like Sonar and Snyk automatically review your code when you create a pull request. You must address any recommendations or required changes, these tools suggest, before the final merge to ensure compliance with quality standards.
- What should I do if I receive recommendations for code changes during the review process?
Implement the necessary changes to your code based on the recommendations provided by the automatic code review process. Once the revisions are made, push changes to the branch and automatic pipelines will restart, and review the updated version of the custom code.
- How do I register a JAR file with my tenant after it's uploaded to the S3 bucket?
Once the JAR is uploaded, you can register it in the Reltio Workflow Modeler or use the specified API. Instructions and necessary links are provided in the notification email you receive after the JAR file is uploaded.
- What is the purpose of automatic pipelines in the development process?
Automatic pipelines streamline the development process by automating code reviews, JAR building, and deployment. This reduces manual effort and accelerates the overall time from development to deployment, ensuring higher efficiency and reliability.
- Can I make direct changes to the master branch in the repository?
Direct changes to the master branch are restricted to ensure code integrity and compliance. All changes must be made through pull requests, which allow for proper review and testing before integration.
- What if I don´t receive an email notification after the JAR file is uploaded?
If you don't receive a notification, please check your spam folder and ensure that your email settings allow messages from Reltio domains. If the issue persists, contact Reltio Support for further assistance.
- Who owns the Bitbucket repository and the AWS S3 bucket?
Both the Bitbucket repository and the AWS S3 bucket are owned and managed by Reltio. However, access to the Bitbucket repository is granted so you can manage and deploy your custom workflows.
- Can classes from a single JAR file be utilized across multiple workflows and tenants?
Yes, a JAR file can be deployed across various tenants, and its classes can be incorporated into different workflows. We recommend isolating common functionalities, such as utility classes, into a separate JAR file. This approach facilitates the reuse of these components in multiple custom workflows, enhancing efficiency and consistency across your projects.
- How can we create and build several jars in a single Bitbucket repository?
The repository with the code for custom workflow is based on Maven modules ( The sample implementation of a custom code is shared along with the repository and it is designed in a way where the parent module describes all the dependencies needed by its sub-modules(
Every sub-module is built into a single jar. You can create as many sub-modules as you need.
- How does the system determine which version of a JAR file to use when multiple versions are registered for a tenant?
The Workflow API automatically utilizes the most recently registered version of a JAR file. If the same class is present in multiple JAR files, the system selects the class from the JAR that was most recently deployed.
To maintain system efficiency and reduce confusion, we recommend deactivating the previous version of a JAR after deploying a new one. However, previous versions remain available for registration, which is useful if you need to revert to an earlier version due to issues with the new implementation.
- What should I do if I'd like to retain the old version of the jar on S3 but deploy a new one?
Our system retains all versions of JAR files, so previous versions are always available for registration. However, it’s important to manage the versions of your JAR files to prevent overwriting. If the version number in the pom.xml file is not updated, a new build may overwrite the existing JAR file with the same version label.
For example:<artifactId>CustomWorkflow</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> During the review process, if an overwrite risk is detected, the automated pipeline will issue a warning comment. To avoid overwriting an old version, increment the version number in your new build, like changing 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.1-SNAPSHOT. This practice ensures that both the old and new versions are preserved separately in the S3 bucket. - Are there any resources or video tutorials available that provide a detailed walk-through of the new self-service custom workflow development process?
Yes, there is a comprehensive webinar available that provides a detailed walk-through of the new self-service custom workflow development process. View this webinar to understand the steps involved, along with tips and best practices. The webinar is available on the Reltio community page at this URL: