Unify and manage your data

Mapping Unmapped Values

You can map unmapped values to canonical values for lookup types that have unmapped values.

You can load reference data into RDM by using the RDM APIs. Some of the data you load may not be mapped to any canonical value. You can map these unmapped values to existing canonical values or create new canonical values.

When you map an unmapped value to a canonical value in Suggest mode, a Data Change Request is created, which contains the following actions:

  • Add new source mapping to the lookup

  • From the Unmapped list, remove the unmapped value that was mapped

  1. Log in to the RDM application using your Reltio credentials.
    The Lookup Types screen appears.

    The lookup type that has unmapped values appears with a red triangle along with the number of unmapped values.

  2. Click on the lookup type with unmapped values.
    The MAPPING page appears.

  3. Click on the Unmapped Values on the right.

    The list of unmapped values appears. You can search for specific unmapped value based on the value or code as shown below:

    You can also use wildcard characters such as asterisk (*) to search for a list of unmapped values. The following image shows search results for codes starting with IT.

  4. Drag the value that you want to map to the desired canonical value as shown below:

  5. To map multiple values by dragging, click on each value that you want to map as shown below:

  6. Drag the selected values and drop them on the desired canonical value as shown below:

    The word EDITED is added to the canonical value that is mapped with new values:

  7. Close the Unmapped values pane.
    The newly mapped values are highlighted with the word NEW in green color.

  8. Click SAVE.