Unify and manage your data

Activity Log

The activity log contains information about changes to certain components.

The activity log captures details of changes made to each of the following components:
  • Lookup types
  • Sources
  • Lookups (for selected lookup type)
The activity log contains the following information:
  • Added lookup types, sources, and lookups
  • Changed lookup types, sources, and lookups
  • Deleted lookup types, sources, and lookups
  • Added, edited, or deleted custom attributes
It also contains the date on which the change was made and the user who made the change. When you view the activity log of a lookup, you can get an understanding of how the lookup value has evolved over a period of time.
Note: By default, the activity log functionality is disabled. To enable it, contact Reltio Customer Support.

Viewing Activity Type for a Lookup

When you click on a look type, the mapping screen appears. On the right side, click on the Activity Log icon as follows:

The following image shows the activity log of the selected lookup type:

You can filter the activity log for lookups based on the type of activity, date range, user, canonical value, and source.

For the type of activity, you can select Added, Edited, and Deleted as shown in the following image:

An activity can contain multiple operations of addition, modification, and deletion. The activities are filtered based on the type of operation and not the type of activity. For example, when you select the Added filter option, it displays the activity type Added that has only the add operations along with the activity type Edited if it has both add and edit operations. If you select the Edited filter option, it displays only the Edited activity type that has the edit operations and may or may not have add operations. The Deleted filter option displays only the Deleted activity type that has delete operations.
Note: An activity can contain one operation or multiple operations. For example, if you load 100 values for a lookup, then the activity log will display one activity with 100 add operations and not 100 activities.

To filter on canonical values, click on the Canonical Value option as follows:

You can select the canonical values from the list. You can also type a value to filter within the canonical values displayed. For example, if you type A, the drop-down list displays all canonical values starting with the letter A. Similarly, you can filter on source by using the Source option.

Updates to the Activity Log

The following image shows that the value C under the HMS source is changed to C (NEW) and a new value D is added.

The activity log is not updated in real-time. It takes about two minutes for the activity log to be updated. You must refresh the page, apply a filter, or use the pagination at the bottom of the log to update the activity log. The updated activity log displays that a new value D is added and the existing value C is changed to C (NEW) as follows:

Viewing the Activity Log for Lookup Types

Click on the Activity Log icon as shown in the following image:

The following image shows the activity log for lookup types:

You can filter the activity log for lookup types similar to the manner in which you filtered the lookups. In the case of look types, the filter options are different from lookups as follows:

Note: Even though some of the filter options are different, the filtering works exactly similar to the filtering for lookups.

Viewing the Activity Log for Sources

To view the activity log for sources, navigate to the Sources page and click on the Activity Log icon as shown in the following image:

The following image shows the activity log for sources:

You can filter the activity log for sources similar to the manner in which you filtered the lookups. In the case of sources, the filter options are different from lookups as follows:

Note: Even though some of the filter options are different, the filtering works exactly similar to the filtering for lookups.