Unify and manage your data

Enable DVFs for entity types

Learn how to enable data validation functions for your tenant in UI Modeler.

Before you start creating data validation functions, you must enable validation functions for the entity type you want to validate in the UI Modeler.

The validation logic is executed against the entity data, and warning messages are added to entity objects as analytical attributes. You need a single attribute view facet to display the warning messages for the analytical attributes. To configure single attribute view facet for the analytical attributes, configure the analytical attributes in the single attribute view facet using the UI Modeler or contact Reltio Customer Engineering for assistance (for more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal).

To configure the single attribute view facet:
  1. From the Reltio App Selector, select Console > UI Modeler.
  2. In the UI Modeler navigation panel, under Profile pages select the desired entity type (for example, Contact or Organization).
  3. Drag and drop the Single Attribute View widget, from the Libraries navigation panel, to the desired area.
  4. Select the Single Attribute View widget and configure it as follows:
    • Caption: Enter Data Validation Warning(s).

    • Attribute: From the drop-down menu, select Attribute Validations.

    • Max shown: Enter 15.

    • Empty text: Enter No Validation Warning(s).

  5. Select Publish to save the changes.