Accelerate the Value of Data

Assign permissions to Salesforce objects

Learn how to assign permissions to Salesforce objects.

The Salesforce objects used in this solution must be assigned read/write permission for all the used fields.
To assign permissions to the Salesforce objects:
  1. Log into your Salesforce account.
  2. Select Object Manager > Account > Fields & Relationships.
  3. Click Field Name.
  4. In the Set Field-Level security section, clear the checkbox for the read permissions for RIH Service Account profile.
  5. Ensure the Read and Write permissions for the following Account objects are selected as required:
    Name, DunsNumber, Fax Phone, Type, BillingCity, BillingStreet, BillingPostalCode, BillingCountry, ShippingCity, ShippingCountry, BillingState, ShippingState, ShippingStreet, ShippingPostalCode, NumberOfEmployees, Sic TickerSymbol, Website, AnnualRevenue, NaicsCode, ParentId, Tradestyle, Industry, Id, NaicsDesc, Ownershi,p SicDesc.
  6. Ensure the Read and Write permissions for the following Contact objects are selected as required.
    Salutation, LastName, FirstName, Email, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingCountry, MailingPostalCode, MailingState, OtherStreet, OtherCity, OtherState, OtherPostalCode, OtherCountry, MobilePhone, HomePhone, Fax, Phone, Title, Department, LeadSource, AccountId, Id.
  7. Select Save.