Accelerate the Value of Data


Learn about the Activation feature for Reltio 360 Data Products in the Reltio Hub.

Attention: This feature is available to limited users through the Reltio Early Access (EA) program. Interested in finding out more about this feature or participating in our EA program? Get details in topic Early Access (EA) features.

Leverage data segmentation by sending segments to downstream applications or platforms, like marketing platforms, for use in marketing campaigns.

After creating a segment, activate it by opening the segmentation menu. Find the intended segment in the segment table and select the send button on the right side of the table. The Select destinations for syncing data window opens where you select the destination platforms where you want to send the segment. Select start syncing to initiate the process of syncing with the platform.

Data synchronization is batched, not real-time. Every time new profiles enter a specific segment, you need to send the segment to the destination platform to sync the data again. After syncing starts, a message informs you that you'll receive an e-mail once the process finishes.