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Configure Databricks pipeline for improved data sync performance

Learn how to update your existing Databricks pipeline to use the improved data sync mechanism introduced in Jan 2025.

We improved the synchronization mechanism from Reltio to Databricks. For an overview, see Improved data sync performance for Databricks pipelines - Jan 2025.

If you are creating a new Databricks pipeline, no action is needed—the improved data sync is applied by default. If you have an existing pipeline, follow the steps below to update it.

  1. Use the Reltio API to update the pipeline.

    If you provide access to your Databricks environment, call this API operation to configure or update your Delta Live Tables (DLT) pipeline.

    1. Reconfigure the pipeline
      POST https://<env>-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com/api/tenants/<tenantName>/adapters/<adapterName>/actions/configure_pipeline
  2. Manually update the pipeline.

    If you don't provide access to your Databricks environment and you have a continuously running DLT pipeline, you need to raise a Support request to ask for the updated DLT script and follow these steps:

    1. Stop the DLT pipeline.
    2. Attach the updated DLT SQL script to your DLT notebook.
    3. Restart the DLT pipeline.
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