Deprecation Notices at a glance
Take it from the top with Deprecation Notices. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.
What are Deprecation Notices?
Deprecation Notices advise you of products and features we plan to discontinue in Reltio Data Cloud. Notices may mention Reltio Connected Data Platform, Reltio Connected Cloud, or Reltio Connected Customer 360 as that was the name of our platform at the time.
- Deprecation policy
Reltio will use commercially reasonable efforts to continue to operate those services, versions and features identified without these changes for at least one year after that announcement, unless (as Reltio determines in its reasonable good faith judgment):
required by law or third-party relationship (including if there is a change in applicable law or relationship)
doing so could create a security risk or substantial economic or material technical burden
- Discontinuance of services and API
- Reltio may discontinue any API, Services or any portion or feature for any reason at any time without liability to the customers.
Who are Deprecation Notices for?
This content is curated for all Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:
Business User
Data Product Owner
Data Steward
Reltio Configurator
Solution Architect
System Administrator
Why would I use Deprecation Notices?
Read Deprecation Notices to find out about plans to remove existing products and features from Reltio Data Cloud. We provide clear details on why and when we'll deprecate them along with steps you need to take and any replacements you can use.
When would I use Deprecation Notices?
Reltio provides as much warning as possible before turning off features or products. Check here routinely to be aware of any such changes.
Where do I find Deprecation Notices?
From the Documentation Portal home page, select