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Manage Survivorship rules in Data Modeler

Learn how to manage Survivorship rules and strategies to suit your needs in the Data Modeler.

To successfully manage survivorship group, you'll find it useful to have an understanding of survivorship rules, entity and relationship types, and user roles. For details, see topics Reltio match and merge, Reltio object types, and Survivorship Rules.
Survivorship groups for entity and relationship types define fallback rules and filters that determine which survivorship strategy to apply. You can assign custom user roles or use the default role for survivorship group.

Watch this video to learn how to view Rule types in the Profile view and edit existing survivorship rules in the Data Modeler:

To manage Survivorship rules and strategies:
  1. Open the Data Modeler application:
    1. From the Applications menu, select Console.
    2. In the Console Configuration section, select Data Modeler.
    3. From the Select tenant drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the desired tenant. The tenant name is shown in the menu bar, and the Entity types page opens.
  2. On the Entity Types page, select the entity type that you want to configure the Survivorship group for.
  3. Select the Survivorship tab.
    In the Survivorship groups page, the Name and Description refer to the existing group's details.
    Note: For existing survivorship groups, if a value for survivorship label wasn't defined during the creation through the API, the URI's last value is used as the Name.

    The Default field implies whether the survivorship group is applicable by default to all the users, irrespective of their roles or not. Role refers to the selected role the survivorship group applies to and the Number of rules is the count of attributes for which the survivorship group is created.

    If the survivorship group is associated with more than one role, one of the roles is listed and the count of additional roles is provided next to it. You can hover your mouse pointer over the number to see all the roles associated with the survivorship group.

    You can hover over a survivorship group and use the icons that appear to check its details, edit, or, delete it.

    The information icon ()displays an information panel that contains the survivorship rules and count of fallback strategies and filters for each attribute that make up the survivorship group.

  4. Select + CREATE NEW to add a new Survivorship group. In Create Survivorship group page, enter Name, Description and select Role .

    When you select a role, the selected survivorship strategy is applied only to the users who have the selected role. For example, you could create a group for the marketing team to ensure that the selected attribute's operational value (OV) is based on the survivorship strategy specified for the marketing team.

    You can add attribute details and set up its survivorship strategy right away or just save the survivorship group as is for now.

  5. In the Rules section, select + Add Attribute to specify the survivorship strategy for the attribute.
  6. In the Add Attributes panel, select the required attributes for the Survivorship. Type in the search field and click the magnify glass search icon to search for the desired attribute. The selected attributes are displayed under the Rules section with default strategy of Recency.

    In the example in the screenshot below, we have selected the First Name attribute. After selecting the attribute, you can set the primary survivorship strategy, fallback criteria, and filter options for the specific attribute.

    Note: When the filter criteria is not defined, the specified strategy becomes the default strategy for the attribute.

  7. You can change the strategy from Recency (default) to any other strategy, for example, Frequency. For more information on how each strategy works, see topic Survivorship Rules.

    The Fallback criteria is used to come up with an alternate operational value when the Primary strategy does not provide a result. For more information on Fallback strategies and criteria, see topic Fallback Strategies.

    • From the strategy menu, if you select Other Attribute Winner Crosswalk strategy, it requires you to use the primaryAttributeUri as it gets all winner crosswalks from the primary attribute. If the current value has any crosswalks that are primary attribute's winner crosswalks, then all of these crosswalks and values provided by them become the winners. For more information on survivorship rules and strategies, see topic Survivorship Rules.

      Select the Winner attribute by selecting the gear icon or type in the Search field and click the magnify glass icon to search for the desired winner attribute.

    • If you select Source Systems strategy from the strategy menu, you can assign priority to the source systems. This ensures that if the consuming application receives the value from the higher priority source system becomes the OV. You can drag and drop the source systems into the priority order.

      You can also add or remove the sources considered for this strategy by clicking on the - button (to remove) or + button (to add). The removed sources move to the bottom of the Source list.

    To add or edit the fallback or filtering criteria for the survivorship group, you can use the More options (three dots) icon and select the desired option.

  8. Specify the Fallback criteria for survivorship rules for the attribute:
    1. Select the Add fallback option from More options, or, click the hyperlinked number in the Fallback column.

      The Fallback strategy page appears.

    2. Click Create New to create a new fallback strategy.
    3. Select the Fallback Criteria. You can select any of the following options:
      • More than one

      • Zero or more than one

    4. Select the Rule type. For more information, see topic Survivorship Rule Types .
      Note: You can add more Fallback criteria by clicking ADD FALLBACK. Doing so adds another set of fallback criteria with rule type information that can be edited.
    5. Optionally, click ADD NESTED FALLBACK to add nested fallback criteria for a rule type.

      You can make the nested fallback details appear or disappear by clicking the nested icon ().

    6. You can specify levels of nested fallback either at the same level or at another nested level by hovering over the nested fallback row and clicking the required icon.
    7. Click Save. The Fallback strategy column is updated with the total number of fallback criteria.
  9. Specify the Filtering criteria for survivorship rules for the attribute.
    1. Select the Add filter option from More options, or, click the hyperlinked number in the Filter column. The Filter page appears.
      Tip: When filter conditions do not match, the default strategy is used to calculate operational values (OV).

    2. Click Create New to specify a new filtering option. In the Filter page, you can now select an attribute and specify its value.
    3. Select an attribute and enter the value that you want to filter by. You can specify multiple filter conditions by clicking the ADD FILTER button.
      Note: The filter condition supports only the ‘equals’ filter option.

    4. Click Save. The Filter column displays the count of filter conditions in the main page.

      Note: For an attribute, if you want to define a different primary strategy based on certain filter criteria, you will need to add a new row. Each row can have its own survivorship strategy and fallback criteria. You can do so by clicking the “ADD ATTRIBUTE” button in the Create Survivorship group page.

  10. On the Create Survivorship group page, select Save to add the Survivorship groups. Alternatively, select Cancel to return to the previous page without saving your changes.
    Note: If you click Cancel or try to close the window and you have unsaved changes, a confirmation message is displayed. Click Leave if you want to discard your changes, or, click Cancel and then save your changes.