Accelerate the Value of Data

Enable the extension ID field

Learn how to enable the extension ID field.

Ensure you have gone through the list of prerequisites for installing RIH recipes. For more information, see topic Prerequisites for installing Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH).
One of the prerequisites for installing RIH recipes is to ensure a Salesforce organization with default data model is available. The default account and contact object is used by the RIH recipes with the addition of the ext_id field that is used to store the Reltio URI. Let's now enable the ext_id field.
To enable the ext_id field:
  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. Under the desired object, navigate to Fields.
  3. In Salesforce Classic, for standard objects click Customize > Object name > Fields. For custom objects, click Create > Objects > Object Name, and then scroll to Custom Fields and Relationships.

    In Lightening experience, click the Object Manager tab and select Object Name > Fields & Relationships.

  4. Select New.
  5. Select Text and click Next.
  6. In the Field Information section, in the Field Label, enter ext_id.
  7. In the Field Name field, enter ext_id.
  8. In the Length field, enter 255.
  9. In the General Options section, select the External ID - set this field as the unique record identifier from an external system checkbox.
  10. In the Text options section, in the Length field, enter 255.
  11. Select Next.
  12. From the list displayed, select the profiles that should be able to view this field.
  13. Select Next.
  14. Choose the page layout where it can be viewed.
  15. Select Save.