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2024.2 weekly release notes

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Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2. Get a bird's-eye view of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes here, then follow topic links to dive into the detail.

2024.2.12.0 weekly release notes | 09-Sep-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in this 2024.2.12.0 weekly release.

Workflow process definition history
Before, you'd have to keep a record of your workflow processes definitions for rolling back to previous versions and it was difficult to investigate changes to workflows. Now, you can get to the information with these new Workflow API endpoints:

2024.2.11.0 weekly release notes | 02-Sep-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in this 2024.2.11.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this weekly release:
Search Before Create for Salesforce RIH
In a previous release, we introduced the Reltio Integration for Salesforce (RIH) connector that uses RIH recipes to synchronize data between Reltio and Salesforce. We're now adding the Search Before Create (SBC) capability to this feature. SBC uses RIH recipes to search for records in Salesforce and Reltio, and imports the missing records into Salesforce. For more details, see topic Search before create (SBC).
Visible Attributes in Profile view
When editing, suggesting, or viewing a profile, do you want attributes without values to show up in the Profile view? Configure your UI to include the alwaysVisible option for the attributes you want visible in all modes. This option applies to the Collaborative Profile Creation as well. For more information, see topic Display attributes in all modes.
Single Sign-On (SSO)/Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) implementation dates extended

We've changed the dates for implementing Single Sign-On (SSO)/Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) feature. For more information, see topic Enhance your security with Single Sign-On (SSO) and prepare for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Include additional input parameters while starting a workflow
Previously, when you started a workflow, the Start Process Instance endpoint of the Workflow only accepted limited input parameters. This required you to pass essential data through comments, leading to a less efficient process. Now, the endpoint accepts additional optional input parameters, such as task variables that you can use in your workflows allowing you for more flexibility and cleaner setups. For more information, see topic Start a Process Instance

2024.2.10.0 weekly release notes | 26-Aug-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in this 2024.2.10.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data 2024.2.10.0 weekly release:
Data Loading support for RELTIO_JSON files through API

Previously, when you loaded data using a JSON file, the data loading job's transformation process converted the data into a table.

Now the Data Loader supports loading jobs for RELTIO_JSON files which don't need to go through the transformation process. This enables you to load a large number of records with a single data loader job RELTIO JSON file loading example.

We're rolling out this capability through our API first. In a future update this functionality will be made available in the Console UI.

Consolidating records in the Console Data Loader

Previously, you could only control whether the Data Loader consolidated records with the same crosswalk using the Data Loader. Now, you can enable/disable this behavior with the Consolidate records with same crosswalk value option in the Console Data Loader.​ For more information, see topic Group multiple records into a single entity.

Cleanse certified with Loqate 202407 update
We've certified the Reltio data cleanser with the latest Loqate update:
  • Country data updates: Refreshed the data of several countries, including Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, Spain, and the US, with updated address information.
  • Corrections: Corrected geocode data in Mexico, handled missing administrative areas in Spain, and resolved parsing issues for sub-building fields in Denmark.
  • Postal code standardization: Standardized postal code lengths to 7 digits for Israel.
  • Administrative area renaming: Renamed the administrative area Csongrád to Csongrád-Csanád in Hungary.
For more details, refer to the Loqate 202407 release notes.

2024.2.9.0 weekly release notes | 19-Aug-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in this 2024.2.9.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data 2024.2.9.0 weekly release:
Reminder: Migrate service accounts from password to client credentials authentication

Just a reminder to start migrating your service accounts to client credentials as soon as possible. This is crucial for ensuring the continuous operation of your automated processes and integrations, as well as maintaining security and compliance. For more details, see topic Migrating service accounts from password to client credentials authentication.

2024.2.8.0 weekly release notes | 12-Aug-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in this 2024.2.8.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data 2024.2 weekly release:
New API endpoint to test Match Cleanser Configurations

We're introducing a new API endpoint designed to improve your experience with testing cleanser configurations for matching rules. With the new endpoint, you can test cleanser configurations by passing an array of simple values and the cleanser configuration, to then receive cleansed outputs for each of the values. For more details, see topic Cleanse simple values with custom configuration.

2024.2.7.0 weekly release notes | 05-Aug-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.7.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Clients restricted by tenant
Say goodbye to customer-specific client access and hello to improved security with tenant-specific clients. Previously, each client could access all tenants under their corresponding customer. Now, you can specify the tenants that clients may access, ensuring access segregation among your environments. Existing clients remain unchanged; you have the option to explicitly remove individual tenants from them to restrict their access. For more information, see this Console UI topic Add new client and this API topic Create a customer client.
Flexible Entity Resolution Network (FERN)-based matching - Early Access (EA)
In the Data Modeler > Match tab, we introduced FERN-based matching for Individual entity types such as a contact or a broker agent. FERN provides pretrained models that automate real-time matching with the internal or external source as configured. You can define the matches based on the attributes including names, phone numbers, email address, and so on. For more information, see topics FERN-based matching and Enable a pretrained FERN model.
Changes in Potential Matches UI
Previously, in the Profile > Potential Matches tab, all Machine Learning (ML)-based potential matches were labeled as Match IQ. Now, these potential matches are labeled AI-powered models.
Control merging entities in Data Loader

Previously, you couldn’t control whether the Data Loader merges records with the same crosswalk in data load jobs. Now, you have an option to enable/disable this behavior via the Reltio API. When disabled, the Data Loader skips the pre-processing step to check for duplicate crosswalks, resulting in faster load times.​ For more information, see topic Create one entity from multiple records.

Improved Data Loader threshold errors

Previously, when you were performing a data loading job and the error threshold limit was reached, you would see the status "COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS". Now, the status is "STOPPED" with an additional error message like: "The job was stopped as error threshold limit 15% was reached. Actual is 16.8% (306 to 1819 profiles)." For more information, see topic Data Loader.

Enhance your data security and compliance in RDM with role-based access control
For Reference Data Management (RDM), we introduced an additional security mechanism that works alongside Reltio API permissions to restrict access to RDM tenant data. Using the new role-based access control for RDM, you can define roles and set precise permissions in the RDM tenant to increase data security. RDM's new feature allows you to create roles for specific job functions and manage access to different lookup types and values more effectively. For more information, see topic Role-based access control (RBAC) for RDM.
DoubleMetaphoneMatchToken class with Exact operator fix
We updated the DoubleMetaphoneMatchToken class to generate tokens using the correct double metaphone algorithm for attributes used in exact match expressions. This fix ensures that the tokenization process aligns with the expected behavior, improving the accuracy of matches. This change only impacts the behavior of DoubleMetaphoneMatchToken for attributes in exact match expressions. Attributes used in fuzzy match rules remain unaffected, as they already generate two tokens: a double metaphone token and a statistical fuzzy token. If you are using DoubleMetaphoneMatchToken for attributes in exact match rules, we recommend executing the Rebuild Match Table Task to update the tokenization scheme. For more details, see topic Rebuild Match Table Task.

2024.2.6.0 weekly release notes | 30-Jul-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.6.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Important: The 2024.2.6.0 release initially scheduled for 29-Jul-2024 was rescheduled for 30-Jul-2024.
Enhanced Security with Multi-Factor Authentication
To provide enhanced security for Reltio accounts, we're in the process of implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). In the meantime, we're sharing our plans and recommended actions you can take to better prepare for the upcoming security changes. Specifically, for user accounts, we recommend that you adopt SSO and for system accounts we recommend client credentials; these simplify the login process and enhance security by centralizing authentication. For more information, see topic Enhance your security with Single Sign-On (SSO) and prepare for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Enhanced Match Rules with relevance score
In the Data Modeler > Match tab, you define relevance score range for each match action for match rules. The relevance score range indicates the lowest and highest values that result in a match. If this rule defines multiple Match actions, the lowest Relevance score range defined in the first Match action must match the highest Relevance score range defined in the section Match action. For more information, see topic Creating a New Match Rule.
Reltio Enrichment with D&B supports SafeTransPort (STP) in Monitoring capability
We've added support for D&B SafeTransPort (STP) in our integration with D&B. You now have two Destination types available to transfer change notifications when you create a registration for D&B Monitoring: S3 and STP. For more details, see topic Monitor Reltio Enrichment with D&B.

2024.2.5.0 weekly release notes | 22-Jul-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.5.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Enhanced Match Rule Analysis
Previously, in the Data Modeler > Entity types page, when you selected the Analyze Match Rules tab, the analysis report downloaded to your system in HTML format. Now, when you select the tab, it navigates you to a consolidated analysis tool with additional details of all entity types. For more information, see topic Analyze Match Rules.

2024.2.4.0 weekly release notes | 15-Jul-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.4.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Pinned and ignored attributes in Advanced search UI

In our 2024.1.16.0 release, we introduced new options to filter profiles by pinned and ignored attributes. These options are now also available in the Advanced Search UI. For more information, see topic Advanced search with pinned or ignored attributes. For the API details, see topics Search for Pinned or Ignored Entity attributes and Search for Pinned or Ignored Relation attributes.

Relationship attributes in Profile Hierarchy facets
Previously, the Hierarchy facet in the Hub Profile view showed only the relation type and the start and end date attributes for relationships. You can now configure specific relationship attributes to display in this facet, for example:
  • AffiliationSubType

  • HierarchyCode

  • AdditionalAttributes

For more information, see topic Hierarchy facet relationships.
Raw lookup values in address cleansing
We've changed the way the Cleanser deals with unavailable RDM lookups for an attribute. Previously, if a lookup value wasn't provided, by default the cleanser used the default value for the attribute specified in that tenant. We've now introduced the useRawValueAsDefaultForCleanse parameter, so you can determine whether to use a raw value instead of the tenant default:
  • True: the cleanser uses the raw value in the source data.

  • False (default): the cleanser uses the tenant default value or null, if none is specified.

For more information, see topic Configuring Cleanse to use Raw Value when lookup fails.

2024.2.3.0 weekly release notes | 08-Jul-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.3.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Improved entry file processing in Reltio Enrichment with D&B

The Reltio Enrichment with D&B previously processed your entry files for updates to Reltio sequentially. With the new parameter IS_PARALLEL_FILE_PROCESSING set to true, the integration processes the entry files in parallel for improved performance. For details on performance parameters, see section Configuration parameters in topic Modes of Operation.

Steamlined Collaborative Profile Creation

Have you used the Collaborative Profile Creation feature, and its authoring workflow, to create profiles? Well, we've streamlined this process to make it even easier to accept or reject workflows. Now, instead of having to navigate to the Notification Inbox, reviewers and approvers can approve or reject them directly in the Profile view. For more information, see topic Suggest and save profiles using the authoring workflow.

2024.2.2.0 weekly release notes | 01-Jul-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.2.0 weekly release.

Check out what's new and notable in this Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2 weekly release:
Proactive Monitoring System for Match Rules

Our Proactive Monitoring System bypasses match rules that could slow things down. We've introduced a new inspection rule to keep the system running smoothly. When an Automatically Group match rule generates many groups with 50+ participants, it will be skipped until you take action. For more information, see topic Proactive Monitoring System for Match Rules.

2024.2.1.0 weekly release notes | 24-Jun-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2024.2.1.0 weekly release.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2024.2.

Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
Address cleanser update for Connecticut

Starting in June 2024, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is updating counties per changes by the Connecticut legislature. In June 2022, the State of Connecticut adopted nine planning regions as county-equivalent geographic units, replacing the eight counties which had ceased to function as governmental and administrative entities in 1960.

The Reltio address cleanser now includes the USPS records for these planning regions in the Sub-Administrative Area field:

For example, the city of Hartford, formerly in Hartford county, is now in the new Capitol planning region.

For more information, see topic Mapping Input Attribute.

Directional arrows in Relationship UI

In the Hub Profile Relationship view, arrows depict relationships between the start and the end entity. We've corrected an error where the arrow directions and labels were inconsistent. Now the labels match the direction. For more information, see topic Detailed View of the Related entity.