Accelerate the Value of Data

Configuring Cleanse to use Raw Value when lookup fails

Learn how to configure the cleanser raw lookup values

When you configure an attribute, you can provide an RDM look up code to be presented as input to cleanser. Sometimes, this RDM look up code is not available. This situation triggers the cleanser to use a null or default value, in case of the attribute Country, as input on post entity call or re-cleanse of the entity.

For example, when you perform a post entity call for the State attribute California that has an RDM look up code of CA, then the value CA is used as input to the cleanser. However, if the State attribute Texas does not have an RDM look up code available, the input to cleanser will be null.

Post entity raw look up valueResolved RDM look up codeInput to cleanser

There is an optional parameter that allows raw look up values to be used as input to cleanser instead of null when RDM lookup fails. Configure the optional parameter flag useRawValueAsDefaultForCleanse within the optionalParameters of the physical configuration and set it to true. Reach out to Reltio support to help configure the parameter flag useRawValueAsDefaultForCleanse.

The table below represents the post entity call behavior when useRawValueAsDefaultForCleanse is enabled or set to true, the State attribute has a look up configured and the parameter resolveLookupCode is true. For more information on the parameter resolveLookupCode, see topic Resolve attribute or tenant lookups.

Post entity Input for state attributeResolved RDM look up codeInput to cleanse