Accelerate the Value of Data

RELTIO JSON file loading example

Learn about how to load a RELTIO_JSON file to the Reltio Data Loader.

The Data Loader is able to load RELTIO_JSON files to the tenant without any additional transformation.

Create a project

You need to create a project before you load the file. Use the following endpoint to create the project.

POST {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project
    "environment": "361",
    "tenantId": "myTenantIdValue",
    "name": "My user friendly name of the Project Details",
    "loadType": "ENTITIES",
    "checkForUpdates": false

For this type of data loading you're not required to define the mappingDetails parameter as it doesn't use this functionality.

Currently, the loadType values that the Data Loader allows to be loaded with a RELTIO_JSON file are ENTITIES and RELATIONS.

Set file type in Storage Details

After the storage details are set for the project, add the new file type RELTIO_JSON. Use the following endpoint to update the storage details:

PUT {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/data/source/{{storageId}}
    "fileType": "RELTIO_JSON"

Set or modify Storage Details

Update the storageDetails parameter to load RELTIO_JSON files. Use the following endpoint to set storage details for the project:

PUT {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/{{projectId}}
    "storageDetails": {
        "storageId": "{{storageId}}"

Start the loading job

If you have a project created and the storage details correctly configured, you can start the data loading job. Use the following endpoint to start the job:

POST {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/{{projectId}}/jobs/run
    "name": "My Job Details"
    "udl": true,
    "id": "16d05069-d426-4d24-a672-d40e81a5a01x",
    "jobStatus": "SCHEDULED",
    "dataProcessingJobId": "866943b0-8725-42b7-b4bb-bb519e6c034x",
    "projectDetails": {
        "id": "8a68c8a2-7b3d-4279-8ffc-42809c39202x",
        "storageDetails": {
            "storageId": "d6b3fdef-5eed-42d4-ad52-6a21f2ebd60x",
            "fileType": "RELTIO_JSON"

Things to know

When loading data from a RELTIO_JSON file:

  • The file must be in JSON format. The body must contain data in JSON arrays.

  • The file size must not exceed 10GB. Even though there is no limitation on the total size of the object, per job, there is a 10GB size limitation for each file loaded. Split the job into several files if the total size is greater than 10GB.