Accelerate the Value of Data

Analyze Match Rules

Learn how to analyze your match rules.

The Analyze Match Rules feature analyzes the configured match rules and provides suggestions for improvement. You can analyze the match rules to get better potential matches for your entities.

Note: Reltio recommends that you use the Match analysis feature to analyze match rules. For more information, see topic Match Analysis.

Analyze Match Rules for Entities

You can use the Analyze Match Rule button to analyze the match rules for either a single entity or multiple entities at the same time.

Note: You must have the MDM.tasks.match - EXECUTE resource privilege to work with this functionality. If the Analyze Match Rules button appears disabled, check whether your role has the required permissions. Also, the Analyze Match Rules button may appear disabled when the entities do not have any match rules configured.

To analyze match rules for all entity types:

  1. In the Data Modeler page, select Entity types in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the right pane, select Analyze Match Rules.

    An analysis report in the "html" format is downloaded to your system.

    Note: The naming convention of the resultant file is set to "S3BucketName_TenantID_EntityType_CurrentDateandTime". In case of all entities, the name of the entity is skipped.
    This file displays the analysis in a tabular format. The Comment column lists the suggestions for the match rules that are analyzed.

Alternatively, you can also select Analyze from the Match tab for the selected entity type, as shown below: