Unify and manage your data

Retrieve tasks

You can use the Retrieve Tasks API to retrieve the open Workflow tasks.


Operation Endpoint:

POST {workflowPath}/workflow/{tenantId}/tasks

To retrieve the open workflow task, use the parameters listed in Table 1: Parameters used for Retrieving a Task.

Table 1. Table 1: Parameters used for retrieving a task
HeadersAuthorizationYesAccess Token in format Bearer <access token> (see details in Authentication API).
Content-TypeYesType of content. It must be Content-Type: application/json.
EnvironmentURLYesReltio Environment URL
QuerycheckAccessNoChecks access. It must be true or false.

If true, returns a task only if the user has access to the objects of the task (entities, change requests, or relations). Default is false.

BodyobjectURIsNoList of Reltio object URIs (entity/relation).

You can retrieve the tasks if the filter includes at least one object URI.

assigneeNoTask assignee. To retrieve unassigned tasks, use a value of none.
createdByNoOwner of the task
processInstanceIdNoProcess instance ID
processTypeNoProcess instance type. Use this field to filter on a single process type.
processTypesNoThe process instance types. Use this field to filter on multiple process types. For example, datachangeRequestReview and recommendForDelete.
taskTypeNoTask type
createdBeforeNoTime in milliseconds
createdAfterNoTime in milliseconds
suspendedNoSuspended: true or false.
priorityClassNoPossible values: Urgent, High, Medium, Low.
orderByNoSort criteria. Possible values: createTime (default), assignee, dueDate, priority.
ascendingNoIs used in with orderBy. By default, ascending is set to true and descending is set to false.
offsetNoStart position
maxNoNumber of records to be returned
stateNoValidation state of a task.

The possible values are as follows:

  • valid
  • invalid
  • all

The default value is valid.

showTaskVariablesNoDisplays task variables. It must be true or false.

If true, returns the task variables if the user wants to view the details of the variables. Default is false.

showTaskLocalVariablesNoDisplays task local variables. It must be true or false.

If true, returns the task local variables if the user wants to view the details of the variables. Default is false.


Response Structure:

  • offset: start position of records
  • size: number of records returned
  • total: total number of records
  • data: array with results for each element returned. Each result will have the following properties:
    • assignee: task assignee
    • createTime: task creation time
    • createdBy: task creator
    • dueDate: due date for the task
    • processInstanceComments: comments for the process instance, the array with results for each element returned. Each result will have the following properties:
      • id: comment ID
      • message: comment message
      • author: comment author
      • time: comment time
    • taskId: task ID
    • displayName: task name
    • processInstanceId: process instance ID
    • processType: process definition type
    • processTypes: process definition types

    • processDefinitionDisplayName: process definition display name
    • taskType: task definition type (provided during process design time)
    • suspended: is suspended (true/false)
    • objectURIs: object URIs for the task; the list contains two entities for potential matches or one entity/relation otherwise
    • possibleActions: possible user actions on the task
      • action: action name
      • label: display value for the action
    • preferredAction: preferred possible user action on the task
      • action: action name
      • label: display value for the action
    • priority: task priority
    • priorityClass: Urgent/High/Medium/Low based on the priority value
    • repeatingTask: indicates whether the task has been repeated or not (true/false). The true value means that a task of the same task type was created earlier in the process. Default is false.
    • validationMessage: validation message
    • taskLocalVariables-task local variables
    • taskVariables-task variables
  • error: returned if an error is encountered; contains details of the issue:
    • errorCode: 5-digit error code
    • errorMessage: error message
    • errorData: details of the error:
      • exception: exception message
      • stack: stack trace
    • innerError: details of the error from Reltio API:
      • errorMessage: Reltio API error message
      • errorCode: Reltio API error code
      • innerErrorData: Reltio API inner error data
  • warning: returned if the operation is completed with some minor issues
  • status: result of the operation; possible values are "OK" or "failed"


Sample Request JSON:

  "objectURIs": [


  "status": "OK",
  "warning": "string",
  "data": [
      "assignee": "string",
      "processInstanceId": "string",
      "processType": "string",
      "objectURIs": [
      "suspended": true,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "priorityClass": "Urgent",
      "taskType": "string",
      "createTime": 0,
      "dueDate": 0,
      "processInstanceComments": [
          "id": "string",
          "message": "string",
          "author": "string",
          "time": 0
      "taskId": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "processDefinitionDisplayName": "string",
      "possibleActions": [
          "action": "string",
          "label": "string"
      "priority": 0,
      "preferredAction": {
        "action": "string",
        "label": "string"
      "repeatingTask": true,
      "validationMessage": "string",
      "taskVariables": {
        "additionalProp1": {},
        "additionalProp2": {},
        "additionalProp3": {}
      "taskLocalVariables": {
        "additionalProp1": {},
        "additionalProp2": {},
        "additionalProp3": {}
      "valid": true
  "total": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "size": 1