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Get Possible Assignees for Specific Tasks

This operation gets the possible assignees for specific tasks.


Operation Endpoint:
POST {workflowPath}/workflow/{tenantId}/assignee
Note: This endpoint does not remove possible assignees. Since assignees are no longer included in tasks, you should request them separately.
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Access Token in format Bearer <access token> (see details in Authentication API).
EnvironmentURL Yes Reltio Environment URL.
Content-Type Yes Should be Content-Type: application/json.
Path tenantId Yes Tenant ID.
Body tasks No[NO TITLE FOUND] Task(s) for which possible assignees should be returned.
filter No[NO TITLE FOUND] Parameters used as filtering criteria for the resulting tasks list.
exclude No[NO TITLE FOUND] Task(s) to be excluded from the resulting tasks list.


Response Structure:

  • data: array with results for each element returned
  • status: result of the operation; possible values are "OK" or "failed"
  • total : total number of records
  • error: returned if an error is encountered, contains details of the issue:
    • errorCode: 5-digit error code
    • errorMessage: error message
    • errorData: details of the error:
      • exception: exception message
      • stack: stack trace
    • innerError : details of the error from Reltio API:
      • errorMessage: Reltio API error message
      • errorCode: Reltio API error code
      • innerErrorData: Reltio API inner error data
  • warning: returned if the operation is completed with some minor issues


Sample request body to get possible assignees using tasks:

  "tasks": [


Sample request body to get possible assignees using filter and exclude:

  "filter": {
    "assignee": "user1",
    "processInstanceId": "string",
    "processType": "string",
    "suspended": true,
    "createdBy": "user2",
    "priorityClass": "Urgent",
    "taskType": "dcrReview",
    "createdAfter": 0,
    "createdBefore": 0,
    "state": "valid",
    "objectURIs": [
  "exclude": [


Sample response:

  "data": [
  "status": "OK",
  "total": 1,
  "warning": "string"
1 Please note that you cannot use both task ids (“tasks” parameter) and filtering or excluding (“filter”/“exclude” parameters) to get possible assignee(s). However, you have to use at least one of them.