Unify and manage your data

Get Process Instance Details


Operation Endpoint:

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Access Token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API).
EnvironmentURL Yes Reltio Environment URL.
Query showProcessVariables No

true or false.

If true, returns the process variables if the user wants to view the details of the variables. Default is false.

showTaskVariables No

true or false.

If true, returns the task variables if the user wants to view the details of the variables. Default is false.

showTaskLocalVariables No

true or false.

If true, returns the task local variables if the user wants to view the details of the variables. Default is false.


Response Structure:

  • processInstanceId: process instance ID
  • processDefinitionId: process definition ID
  • processType: process definition type
  • suspended: is suspended (true/false)
  • objectURIs: list of object URIs; it will contain one object URI except for potential matches
  • currentTaskId: ID of the current open task of the process instance
  • currentTaskDisplayName: name of the current open task of the process instance
  • taskLocalVariables: task local variables
  • taskVariables: task variables
  • processVariables: process variables
  • error: returned if an error is encountered, contains details of the issue:
    • errorCode: 5-digit error code
    • errorMessage: error message
    • errorData: details of the error:
      • exception: exception message
      • stack: stack trace
    • innerError: details of the error from Reltio API:
      • errorMessage: Reltio API error message
      • errorCode: Reltio API error code
      • innerErrorData: Reltio API inner error data
  • warning: returned if the operation is completed with some minor issues
  • status: result of the operation; possible values are "OK" or "failed"

Sample Response JSON:

	"processInstanceId": "5",
	"processDefinitionId ": "reviewDeleteAttribute:1:3",
	"processType": "reviewDeleteAttribute",
	"suspended": false,
	"objectURIs": ["entities/e1"],
	"currentTaskId": "10",
	"currentTaskDisplayName": "Delete Attribute Review"
Sample Response JSON(Potential Matches): {
	"processInstanceId": "5",
	"processDefinitionId ": "reviewPotentialMatch:1:3",
	"processType": "reviewPotentialMatch",
	"suspended": false "objectURIs": ["entities/e1", "entities/e2"]
	"currentTaskId": "10",
	"currentTaskDisplayName": "Match Review"