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Get Dynamically Deployed JARs


Operation Endpoint:

GET {workflowPath}/workflow/jarDeployments
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Details
Headers Authorization Yes Access Token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API).
EnvironmentURL Yes Reltio Environment URL.


Response Structure:

  • total - total number of records
  • data - array with results for each element returned. Each result will have the following properties:
    • name - name of the new deployment
    • module - complete JAR path in S3
    • description - description of the deployment
    • createdBy - name of the user
    • createTime - creation time of the deployment
  • error - returned if an error is encountered, contains details of the issue:
    • errorCode - 5-digit error code
    • errorMessage - error message
    • errorData - details of the error:
      • exception - exception message
      • stack - stack trace
    • innerError - details of the error from Reltio API:
      • errorMessage - Reltio API error message
      • errorCode - Reltio API error code
      • innerErrorData - Reltio API inner error data
  • warning - returned if the operation is completed with some minor issues
  • status - result of the operation; possible values are "OK" or "failed"

Sample Response JSON:

  "total": 2,
  "status": "OK",
  "data": [{
            "description":"Listeners to be used for Onboarding process",