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Inactivation of Linked Relation Crosswalks

An entity may be inactivated by setting the endDate attribute or by setting a deleteDate to one of its crosswalks.

If the current date is after the endDate of an entity, the entire entity is marked as Inactive. However, the entity may have relations and reference attributes. Relations are inactivated based on multiple factors. A relation may have crosswalks of different types, and may or may not be linked with the entity's crosswalks. A relation crosswalk is linked with the entity crosswalk if it was created uisng the entity crosswalk. For example, you can create a relation by specifying the entity by using the startObject object URI. In this case, the entity is identified by its URI and not by the crosswalk. Therefore, the relation crosswalk is not linked with the entity. However, if you reference the entity by its crosswalk, the crosswalk gets linked to the entity.

In case of a crosswalk deleteDate action, only that crosswalk data is inactivated (it becomes ov=false and is not displayed in Hub).

Setting the End Date of the Activeness Parameter

The end date of the activeness parameter can be set by using any of the following methods:
  • Updating an entity by using the partialOverride option
  • Setting the endDate attribute
  • Executing an explicit PUT /entities/{{id}}/activeness/endDate request on an entity
During the request processing, the platform checks all the relations of the entity. For each relation type, the end date strategy is checked. If the strategy is END_DATE_RELATION for the relation type, the same endDate value is set for the relation, unless it already has a value. For more information, see Retrieve or modify the entity startDate and endDate.
Note: If the endDate attribute is set for both start and end entities at the same time, the minimum value is chosen for the relation.

Setting the End Date of an Entity Crosswalk

To end date an entity crosswalk, add a deleteDate to an entity's crosswalk as follows:

PUT /entities/{objectId}/crosswalks/{crosswalksId}/deleteDate
In this case, each relation's crosswalk is end dated only if the following conditions are false:
  • The relation's crosswalk is linked with the entity's crosswalk being end-dated.
  • The relation's crosswalk already has a deleteDate.
  • The relation's crosswalk type is same as that of the entity's crosswalk.
  • The relation's crosswalk is not linked with another entity's crosswalks of the same type that is not end dated.

Deleting an Entity Crosswalk

An entity and its crosswalks are deleted based on the end date. But, if some crosswalks of the entity are not deleted, then use the following API:

DELETE /entities/{objectId}/crosswalks/{crosswalkId}

The platform searches for all the relations of the specified entity and deletes all the relation crosswalks that are linked with the deleted entity's crosswalk. If a relation is linked with more than one crosswalk, only one reference is removed and the crosswalk remains active.