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Delete Entity Relations

Learn about using this API to delete all relationships for an entity.

The Delete Entity Relations API deletes all relationships for the specified Entity ID.


POST {TenantURL}/entities/{id}/deleteRelations?mode={mode}
Table 1. Parameters
ParametersName Required Description
HeadersAuthorizationYes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>". For more information, see Authentication API.
QuerymodeNoDenotes the method in which the relations are removed, which can be one of the following:
  • soft: The relations are marked as deleted, but will remain in the database. This is used by default if you do not specify a mode.
  • hard: The relations are removed from the database.

Sample Request and Response

POST {TenantURL}/entities/{id}/deleteRelations
Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41
    "id": "b26b8206-60f9-4177-a95e-5d43996c96c0",
    "groupId": "09e29bd8-992b-479e-89f9-4efc371ed23f",
    "createdTime": 1687834302378,
    "createdBy": "john.smith@reltio.com",
    "updatedTime": 1687834302378,
    "updatedBy": "john.smith@reltio.com",
    "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.DeleteRelationsTask",
    "status": "SCHEDULED",
    "name": "Soft Delete Relations",
    "createdOnHost": "rlt-l-pg01",
    "parallelExecution": false,
    "nodesGroup": "default",
    "parameters": {
        "tenantId": "LocalTenantNew",
        "mode": "soft",
        "entityUriList": "[\"entities/0000AcP\"]"
    "currentState": {},
    "duration": "0s"

This API submits a task to perform the requested deletes. You can get information about this task by using the following request:

GET {TenantURL}/tasks/{taskId}
Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41

JSON Object representing information about the launched manual tasks that deleted al relations for the specified entity:

  • numberOfProcessedObjects - the number of relations that were deleted when the task was launched.
  • objectsFailedToDeleteCount - the number of relations that were not deleted.
  • objectsFailedToDelete - the IDs of the relations that were not deleted. This lists a maximum of 100 IDs.
  • name - The name of the manual task in the format <Hard/Soft> Delete Relations
  • started - The time when the task was launched.
  • throughput - The current speed of the task, which is the number of relations deleted per second.
  • tenant - The tenant where the task was launched.
  • current - The current time.

An example is given below:

    "id": "b26b8206-60f9-4177-a95e-5d43996c96c0",
    "groupId": "09e29bd8-992b-479e-89f9-4efc371ed23f",
    "createdTime": 1687834302378,
    "createdBy": "john.smith@reltio.com",
    "updatedTime": 1687834302378,
    "updatedBy": "john.smith@reltio.com",
    "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.DeleteRelationsTask",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "name": "Soft Delete Relations",
    "createdOnHost": "rlt-l-pg01",
    "executedOnHost": "rlt-l-pg01",
    "parallelExecution": false,
    "nodesGroup": "default",
    "startTime": 1687834302744,
    "endTime": 1687834304271,
    "parameters": {
        "tenantId": "LocalTenantNew",
        "mode": "soft",
        "entityUriList": "[\"entities/0000AcP\"]"
    "currentState": {
        "objectsFailedToDelete": [],
        "deletedObjectsCount": 3,
        "objectsFailedToDeleteCount": 0,
        "numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0,
        "lastHourThroughput": 0.0,
        "numberOfProcessedObjects": 3,
        "status": "Completed"
    "throughput": 3.0,
    "duration": "1s"