Bulk Delete Relationships
Learn about using this API to delete relationships based on the specified URIs..
Parameters | Name | Required | Description |
Headers | Authorization | Yes | Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken> ". For more information, see Authentication API. |
Query | mode | No | Denotes the method in which the relations are removed, which can be one of the following:
Body | Yes | JSON object representing the delete relations list. |
Sample Request and Response
This API submits a task to perform the requested deletes. You can get information about this task by using the following request:
JSON Object representing information about the launched manual tasks that deleted al relations for the specified entity:
- numberOfProcessedObjects - the number of relations that were deleted when the task was launched.
- objectsFailedToDeleteCount - the number of relations that were not deleted.
- objectsFailedToDelete - the IDs of the relations that were not deleted. This lists a maximum of 100 IDs.
- name - The name of the manual task in the format
<Hard/Soft> Delete Relations
- started - The time when the task was launched.
- throughput - The current speed of the task, which is the number of relations deleted per second.
- tenant - The tenant where the task was launched.
- current - The current time.
An example is given below: