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Get by crosswalk connection

Learn more about get by crosswalk connection.

Get by crosswalk connection helps you to view the relationships between a crosswalk and a start or end entity. Use the byCrosswalkConnections endpoint of the Entities to view the relationships.

The body of the request specifies the search parameters. The main section in the request refers to the connections that the crosswalk itself is connected to. The nested section in the request searches for entity connections found using the main section of the request.

Note: The search functionality is case-sensitive. In other words, you must use the correct case - upper or lower - in your search query to retrieve the matching results.


POST {TenantURL}/entities/_byCrosswalkConnections/{crosswalkValue}?type={sourceType}&returnReferenceAttributes=false
Table 1. Parameters
ParametersName Required Description
HeadersAuthorizationYes Information about authentication access token in format Bearer <accessToken>. For more information, see topic Authentication API.
QuerycrosswalkValueYesThe ID of this object in the source system defined in the property type. This property is required only for entities.

For example, an entity comes from the Facebook source system and its identifier in Facebook is id3562. For this entity, the crosswalk has a configuration/sources/Facebook type with a id3562 value and an https://www.facebook.com/id3562 URL.

sourceTypeYesThe source type of the crosswalk. This is a reference to the source configuration by its URI. A crosswalk can have only one source.
sourceTableNoThe value of the sourceTable parameter of the crosswalk.
optionsNoUse the searchByOv value to search for an attribute using their OV value in the response.

Denotes whether reference attributes of the entity must be returned. If returnReferenceAttributes=true, then the latency of the API could be higher even if there are no reference attributes for returned entities. By default, this is set to false.

Sample Request and Response

POST {TenantURL}/entities/_byCrosswalkConnections/{crosswalkValue}?type={sourceType} Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41 { "main": { "inRelations": [ "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress" ] }, "nested": [ { "outRelations": [ "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress" ] }, { "inRelations": [ "configuration/relationTypes/Parent" ] } ] } { "entities": [ { "uri": "entities/1", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "createdBy": "jon", "createdTime": 1665431046919, "updatedBy": "jon", "updatedTime": 1665431046919, "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "ov": true, "value": "Doe", "uri": "entities/1/attributes/FirstName/0" } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/1/crosswalks/5", "type": "configuration/sources/MDM", "value": "1", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "createDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "updateDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "attributes": [ "entities/1/attributes/FirstName/0" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ] }, { "uri": "entities/A2", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "createdBy": "jon", "createdTime": 1665431046919, "updatedBy": "jon", "updatedTime": 1665431046919, "attributes": { "Street": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Street", "ov": true, "value": "Dorian 10", "uri": "entities/A2/attributes/Street/59" } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/A2/crosswalks/60", "type": "configuration/sources/MDM", "value": "A2", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "createDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "updateDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "attributes": [ "entities/A2/attributes/Street/59" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} }, { "uri": "entities/A2/crosswalks/61", "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "A2", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "createDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "updateDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "attributes": [ "entities/A2/attributes/Street/59" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ] }, { "uri": "entities/2", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "createdBy": "jon", "createdTime": 1665431046919, "updatedBy": "jon", "updatedTime": 1665431046919, "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "ov": true, "value": "Victor", "uri": "entities/2/attributes/FirstName/7" } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/2/crosswalks/12", "type": "configuration/sources/MDM", "value": "2", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "createDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "updateDate": "2022-10-10T19:44:06.919Z", "attributes": [ "entities/2/attributes/FirstName/7" ] } ] } ], "relations": [ { "uri": "relations/PA1", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/Parent", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/2" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/1" } }, { "uri": "relations/HA1", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/1" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/A2" } } ] }

Search entities by agreement number

Searches persons based on the crosswalk value, and returns agreement and household details. In this example, we have stored the agreement number as a crosswalk. So, the following search uses the agreement number to retrieve details.


POST /entities/_byCrosswalkConnections/Agreement3?type=configuration/sources/HMS { "main": { "inRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement" } ] }, "nested": [ { "outRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement" } ] }, { "outRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold" } ] } ] }


{ "entities": [ { "uri": "entities/01bpkU9", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "2", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement2", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 2", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bp87p", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household1", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bp87p", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household1", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpokP", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "3", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement3", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 3", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpKub", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household4", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bpKub", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household4", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bomoX", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person", "attributes": { "LastName": [ { "value": "Lofton", } ], "FirstName": [ { "value": "Kira", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bomoX", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Kira Lofton,", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpt0f", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "4", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement4", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 4", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpgDt", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "1", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement1", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 1", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01boiYH", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person", "attributes": { "LastName": [ { "value": "Young", } ], "FirstName": [ { "value": "James", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01boiYH", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "James Young,", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpCO5", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household2", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bpCO5", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household2", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpGeL", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household3", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bpGeL", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household3", "secondaryLabel": "" } ], "relations": [ { "uri": "relations/01bonsb", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpKub" } }, { "uri": "relations/01bob5p", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bp87p" } }, { "uri": "relations/01boK2n", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpkU9" } }, { "uri": "relations/01boOJ3", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpokP" } }, { "uri": "relations/01boSZJ", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpokP" } }, { "uri": "relations/01bojcL", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpGeL" } }, { "uri": "relations/01boWpZ", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpt0f" } }, { "uri": "relations/01boFmX", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpgDt" } }, { "uri": "relations/01bofM5", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpCO5" } } ] }

Search entities by agreement number and filter by attribute

Searches persons based on the agreement number and attribute filters, and returns agreement and household details.


POST /entities/_byCrosswalkConnections/Agreement3?type=configuration/sources/HMS { "main": { "inRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement" } ], "filter": "fuzzy(attributes.FirstName,'Kira')" }, "nested": [ { "outRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement" } ] }, { "outRelations": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold" } ] } ] }


{ "entities": [ { "uri": "entities/01bpKub", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household4", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bpKub", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household4", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bomoX", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person", "attributes": { "LastName": [ { "value": "Lofton", } ], "FirstName": [ { "value": "Kira", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bomoX", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Kira Lofton,", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpt0f", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "4", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement4", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 4", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpGeL", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household", "attributes": { "Caption": [ { "value": "Household3", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bpGeL", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Household3", "secondaryLabel": "" }, { "uri": "entities/01bpokP", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement", "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Copyright", } ], "Number": [ { "value": "3", } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement3", } ], "analyticsAttributes": {}, "label": "Copyright 3", "secondaryLabel": "" } ], "relations": [ { "uri": "relations/01bonsb", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": {}, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bonsb", } ], "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX", "crosswalks": [] }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpKub", "crosswalks": [] } }, { "uri": "relations/01boSZJ", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "RN", } ], "Commenters": [ { "value": "thermostat", } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01boSZJ", } } ], "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX", "crosswalks": [] }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpokP", "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement3" } ] } }, { "uri": "relations/01bojcL", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold", "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": {}, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01bojcL", } ], "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX", "crosswalks": [] }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpGeL", "crosswalks": [] } }, { "uri": "relations/01boWpZ", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement", "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": { "Type": [ { "value": "Resident", } ], "Commenters": [ { "value": "clock, watch", } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "01boWpZ", } } ], "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bomoX", "crosswalks": [] }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/01bpt0f", "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/01bpt0f/crosswalks/D0Z6ge5", "type": "configuration/sources/HMS", "value": "Agreement4" } ] } } ] }