Unify and manage your data

Delete Attribute

Delete an attribute from an entity.

This operation deletes an attribute from an entity.


If an existing attribute value is from source A, this value cannot be deleted by a request from source B.

If an existing attribute value is from source A, B and this value is deleted by a request from source A, then this attribute value stays in the object but the crosswalk for source A is removed for this attribute value.


DELETE /{attribute value URI}
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Details




Information about authentication access token in format Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API).

Source-System Yes-if Source-System is not 'Reltio'

Source system that this request is representing.

Example: configuration/sources/Reltio when data is not loaded from other source systems and is created in the Reltio Platform directly.


crosswalkValue No

ID of an entity object providing this attribute in the source system.

Example: an entity comes from Facebook and its identifier in Facebook is id3562. For this entity, Source-System is configuration/sources/Facebook, and crosswalkValue is id3562.

crosswalkSourceTable SourceTable of an entity object providing this attribute in the source system.


JSON Object representing result of a delete operation. Result contains:

  • status: result of operation, and possible values are "OK" and "failed".
  • error: if values cannot be deleted for some reason. Contains details of the problem. Returns only if an object was not deleted.


DELETE /entities/10/attributes/Name/1?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers:Source-System:configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512


DELETE /entities/10/attributes/Name/1?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers:Source-System:configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512{ "status":"OK" }
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