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Create Attribute

Adds attribute values to a specific attribute collection.

This operation adds attribute values to a specific attribute collection (attribute name is defined in request URL). Attribute name is obtained from Attributes Configuration from the "name" property. With this operation, you can create SSN, or multiple Emails, Names, and Addresses.

Note: When creating attributes in a call, and one attribute fails and is not successfully updated, the response code 201 OK (and an error description) is expected to be returned.


POST /{object URI}/attributes/{attribute name}
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Details




Information about authentication access token in format Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API).

Source-System Yes

Source system that this request is representing.

Example: configuration/sources/Reltio when data is not loaded from other source systems and is created in the Reltio Platform directly.

Content-Type Yes Should be Content-Type:application/json.



Yes-if Source-System is not 'Reltio'

ID of an entity object providing this attribute in the source system.

Example: an entity comes from Facebook and its identifier in Facebook is id3562. For this entity, Source-System is configuration/sources/Facebook and crosswalkValue is id3562.

crosswalkSourceTable No SourceTable of an entity object providing this attribute in the source system.
returnObjects Yes

Specifies if response should contain created entities.

Note: Default value is true.



JSON Array with objects representing attribute values to create.


Array with results for each element of a request. Each result has the following properties:

  • index: index of an attribute value in JSON Array from response. Required in a response.
  • URI: URI of created attribute value. Returned only if an object was created successfully.
  • object: attribute value that is created. This parameter is returned if the returnObjects query parameter in the request is not false and object was created successfully. 
  • error: if an object cannot be created for some reason. Contains details of the problem. Returns only if an object was not created.
    • Possible Errors:
  • warning: if object is created but there were some problems.
  • status: result of operation, and possible values are "OK" or "failed".

1: Simple Attributes (same for Enum, Lookup)


POST /entities/12/attributes/Name?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers:Source-System:configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type:application/json Body:[ { "value":"William" }, { "value":"Bill" } ]


POST /entities/12/attributes/Name?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers:Source-System:configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type:application/json Body:[ { "index":0, "URI":"entities/12/attributes/Name/1", "object":{ "URI":"entities/12/attributes/Name/1", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Name", "value":"William" }, "status":"OK" }, { "index":1, "URI":"entities/12/attributes/Name/2", "object":{ "URI":"entities/12/attributes/Name/2", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Name", "value":"Bill" }, "status":"OK" } ]

2 Nested Attributes


POST /entities/12/attributes/Education?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers:Source-System:configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type:application/json Body:[ { "value":{ "University":[ { "value":"UCSF" }, { "value":"University of California, San Francisco" } ], "Graduated":[ { "value":true } ] } } ]


POST /entities/12/attributes/Education?crosswalkValue=XYZ.id1 Headers: Source-System: configuration/sources/XYZ, Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type: application/json Body: [ { "index": 0, "uri": "entities/12/attributes/Education/5", "object": { "uri": "entities/12/attributes/Education/5", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education", "value":{ "University":[ { "uri": "entities/e1/attributes/Education/5/University/6", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education/University", "value":"UCSF" }, { "uri": "entities/e1/attributes/Education/5/University/7", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education/University", "value":"University of California, San Francisco" } ], "Graduated": [ { "uri": "entities/e1/attributes/Education/5/Graduated/8", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education/Graduated", "value": true } ] }, "status": "OK" } } ]

3: Reference Attributes


POST /entities/000AKOn/attributes/Employment Headers:Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type:application/json Body:[ { "value":{ "Title":[ { "value":"Director" } ] }, "refEntity":{ "crosswalks":[ { "type":"configuration/sources/MDM", "value":"MDM.1" } ] }, "refRelation":{ "crosswalks":[ { "type":"configuration/sources/Reltio" } ] } } ]


POST /entities/000AKOn/attributes/Employment Headers:Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type:application/json Body:[ { "index":0, "object":{ "label":"", "relationshipLabel":"Director", "value":{ "Title":[ { "type":"configuration/relationTypes/Employment/attributes/Title", "value":"Director", "URI":"entities/000AKOn/attributes/Employment/017mXNR/Title/rh" } ] }, "URI":"entities/000AKOn/attributes/Employment/017mXNR", "refEntity":{ "objectURI":"relations/017mXNR" }, "refRelation":{ "crosswalks":[ { "type":"configuration/sources/Reltio", "value":"017mXNR", "attributeURIs":[ "entities/000AKOn/attributes/Employment/017mXNR/Title/rh" ] } ], "objectURI":"relations/017mXNR" } }, "successful":true } ]