Refresh Token
When an access token expires, the user can manually re-authenticate or use the refresh token mechanism to get a new access token.
Name | Required | Description | |
Headers | Authorization | Yes | Basic authentication header, provided by Reltio with a specific set of client credentials. |
Content-Type | Yes | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | |
Body Parameters | refresh_token
| Yes | Refresh token retrieved when first obtaining the access token. |
| Yes | Type of access token request. Value: refresh_token . |
If the refresh token request is successful, the response will contain a JSON object with the same structure as in the original Access Token request.
Token API request limit
By default, tokens expire after 60 minutes. To authenticate into Reltio using scripts or integrations, you must get a token, store it, and use it until it expires. Get a new token after the current one expires.
If you don't store your token, you will need to request a token every time you want to authenticate into Reltio. This is a highly inefficient practice. In Reltio, we have a limit of 10 GET token requests per second. If you exceed this limit, you will see the 429 HTTP status (Too Many Request) message. This indicates that you need to change the way you are requesting tokens to ensure it complies with our limit.