Relation Search
This operation performs search for relationships.
This operation performs search for relationships by its start and/or end objects, attribute values, tags, or type.
For additional information about relation properties that can be used in filter conditions, refer to Filtering Entities
Request - You can use one of the following endpoints to search for relations:
GET {TenantURL}/relations
GET {TenantURL}/relations/_search
POST {TenantURL}/relations/_search
method and pass the parameters through
the request body.Name | Required | Details | Examples | |
Headers | Authorization |
Yes | Information about authentication access token in format
"Bearer <accessToken> " (see details in Authentication API). |
Query |
filter |
No | Enables relations filtering by a condition. Format for filter query
parameter: filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition
Type}]*) . For more information see Relations Filtering. |
select |
No | This is a comma-separated list of properties from relation structure that should be returned in a response. Allows a return of the partial relationship object. You can find a list of relationship object properties under Relations API. |
max |
No |
Positive Integer value to identify maximum number of relations to
return in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in
combination with Default value depends on the tenant configuration. |
max=10 |
offset |
No |
Positive Integer value to identify starting what element in a result
set should be returned in a response. Can be used to organize
pagination in combination with Default value is
0 .Note: The updated maximum value and offset
parameters, when combined, must not exceed the value of 10,000. Some
examples of valid combinations are:
offset=120 |
sort |
No | Sort parameter is used with Order parameter. Sort
parameter points to the attribute or a list of attributes where ordering
must be applied. If you order the result set as ascending or descending
(reversed), you must use the Sort parameter to list the attributes that
must be used for ordering.Important: The sorting will not be
used if this parameter is not provided or the value is not
recognized.Sorting is available on multiple parameters combining the
parameters using & sign. The & symbol is
encoded as %26 in the request. Sorting priority of the
parameters depends on the order you have added the parameters in the
request while using multiple sorting. |
sort=startObject |
order |
No | Order of sorting. Can be used in combination with the
sort parameter to have the reverse order.
Possible values:
Default sorting is by relation |
options |
No |
This is a comma-separated list of different options that have an affect on a relation's JSON content in a response. Available options:
activeness |
No |
Available options:
Body (Only for the POST
method) |
No | Indicates the JSON body that can have all the same fields as
supported in the query parameters. Note: The query parameters have
priority and override the body parameters. |
JSON array of relation objects from the tenant matching filter request.
Find all relationships