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Validate the AWS S3 bucket-Reltio connection

Learn how to validate the connection between Reltio and the AWS S3 bucket.

Before you validate your AWS S3 bucket-Reltio connection, you must have completed the third stage Connect Reltio to AWS cloud storage.
Test the connection between Reltio and your AWS cloud storage.
To validate the connection:
  1. Send a Reltio Snowflake API request:
    POST https://{{tenantEnvironmentName}}-data-pipeline-hub.retio.com/api/tenants/{{tenantId}}/adapters/<Snowflake Adapter name>/validate
    This information is available in the physical tenant configuration:
    {        "enabled": true,
            "dataFilteringEnabled": true/false,
            "activityLogEnabled": true,
            "messagingName": "<envName>-datapipeline-events_<tenantId>",
            "adapters" : [
                "type" : "snowflake",
                "name" : "snowflake", // should be unique for each adapter
                "enabled": true,
                "serializeInitialSourcesInCrosswalks": true/false,
                "cloudProvider": "<Cloud-Provider-Type>",
                "awsConfig": {
                "gcpConfig": {
                "azureConfig": {
                "stagingBucket": "<STAGINGBUCKET-NAME>",
                "stagingBucketRegion": "<STAGING-BUCKET-REGION>", //optional
                "useLegacyUpdatedTime" : true/false,
                "ovOnly" : true/false,
                "attributeFormat": "STANDARD" | "FLATTEN" | "FLATTEN_SINGLE_VALUE",
                "dataFilteringEnabled": true/false
    • <tenantEnvironmentName>: is the name of the environment on which your Reltio tenant is hosted, which forms part of the fully qualified URL, for example:
      • https://dev-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com
      • https://test-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com
      • https://361-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com
    • <tenantId>: is the ID of the Reltio tenant where you configured the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake.
  2. View the status value in the API response:
    • 200 OK: The connection is successful, and Reltio connects to the AWS cloud storage location without any errors.

    • Adapter Validation Exception: The connection is unsuccessful.

      Resolve the reported error and then resend the request. If you receive the error again, contact Support. For details, see topic Get help in Support Portal