UI Modeler at a glance
Learn about the UI Modeler.
Reltio Multidomain MDM
Reltio Customer 360
In the Hub, the Dashboard enables you to view, understand and analyze data. This data is represented in the form of charts, maps, and graphs. For more information, see topic Profile Statistics Dashboard navigation.
Similarly, the Profile perspective allows you to view details about an entity, which is made up of various facets that give you more details about the entity.
These facets, charts, maps, and graphs can be personalized in the dashboard and the profile pages. Usually, such changes would involve you raising a ticket, which is later taken up by the relevant team to complete the work.
In Reltio, we have made life easier for you by giving you an interactive UI that allows you to personalize your dashboard and profile pages.
Say hello to the UI Modeler
The UI Modeler app in Reltio enables you to design the layout of your dashboard and your profile pages. You can choose the charts, maps or graphs that you want to view on your dashboard/profile page and decide how they are placed.
Last but not least, you can also import and export configuration files in the UI Modeler. Are you familiar with JSON configuration? If yes, then you can download our configuration files, make updates as required, and upload it back again.
To summarize, you, as an administrator can: