Unify and manage your data

UI Modeler navigation

Learn how to navigate to the UI Modeler

Let’s take a look at how you access the UI Modeler to help you design your dashboard and profile pages.

To access the UI Modeler:

  • From the Console, select UI Modeler under Configuration. You will see the UI Modeler page.

You use these key sections in the UI Modeler to design your dashboard and profile pages.

Table 1. UI Modeler sections
HeaderThe header of the Console contains the following:
  • the tenant whose dashboard or profile page you want to configure. If have selected a tenant in your Console and then navigated here, the tenant's ID and environment is shown here. You can change the tenant by clicking the drop down and selecting from the list displayed.
  • the Notifications icon
  • the More options menu to navigate to other applications in Reltio
  • the Profile settings icon
  • the Select the UI version you want to model option allows you to select the UI version - classic or new - that you want to model. You will be able to view this option only if had configured your tenant using the classic UI. This is only available for Profile pages.
  • the Publish icon that allows you to publish your changes.
Left pane - Dashboard pages - Select this option to configure your dashboard.
Left pane - Profile pages - Select this option to configure your profile view for each entity type you have defined.
Middle pane - The three-column editing area when you are configuring your dashboard. When you are configuring your profile pages, this is a four column editing area. You can imagine this as a canvas for you to design your dashboard or profile page. From the right pane, drag and drop the charts or maps into the middle pane, place the charts as you want them to appear on your dashboard/profile page, and configure each facet as per your requirement. Note: While configuring your profile page, you have the option to configure for the classic UI or the new UI. For more information, see topic
Right pane contains the following:
  • Libraries - Lists all the charts or maps that you can configure. There are two types of charts available on this pane:
    • Pre-defined charts: As the name suggests, these are predefined or pre-configured to display certain data. So,what’s left for you to do here? You can give it your own special name or title.
    • General charts - These include different types of charts, such as bar, pie, bubble and so on. You can select a general chart and then configure the information you want to view in the chart. For example, you can create a bubble chart that displays the number of addresses that were verified, not verified and ambiguous.
  • Properties - When you click on a chart that you have dragged and dropped into the middle pane, the Properties tab opens up in the right pane. You can configure the chart here, to view the information you want to see on the dashboard. For example, you can configure a map to view the organizations by industry type.
  • Page Properties - This tab is available only while configuring profile pages. You can specify the perspectives you want displayed in the Profile page for an entity. For example, you can choose to either display or hide the Activity log perspective.

Multiuser Considerations

The UI Modeler application is fully multiuser. Two or more users can view or edit a tenant configuration simultaneously. As a result, conflicts can arise if two users edit the same content. In this case, UI Modeler will try to resolve the content automatically.

If UI modeler can't resolve the conflict, then it will save the latest changes in a separate branch and it will notify the user about the problem. It will provide the branch name with all the user's changes. The user can ask someone from Reltio Support team to manually merge these changes.

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