Unify and manage your data

Data streaming operation

Learn how to use Data streaming.

Let's show you the ropes for Stream data.

You'll find the details you need for setting up the message queues in Reltio in the following sections. Once you set up the queues, Reltio transmits the data in near real time through the queues to the destination. You can consume the events and payloads in the message at the destination and propagate it to downstream systems.

Understanding how Reltio event streaming works will help you understand options when you Add an external queue configuration.

This diagram illustrates the Reltio event streaming process for three Reltio events and two external queue configurations.

Let's walk through this process flow:
  1. Reltio creates message process events:
    1. When you add an entity in the Hub (or through an API), Reltio generates a process event.

      In this diagram, we see that adding new entity A generates an ENTITY_CREATED event.

    2. If you've defined a match rule to merge a new entity with an existing entity, Reltio generates two process events.

      In this diagram, we see that merging existing entity B with new entity A generates an ENTITY_CHANGED event for entity B and an ENTITY_MERGED event for entity AB.

  2. Reltio processes these generated events through a CRUD or MATCH internal queue.
  3. The Reltio message streaming service sends CRUD and MATCH events in JSON format to the external message queue, applying any configured filters.
    In this diagram, we see that Reltio streams messages to the following external queues:
    • External Queue Configuration 1: Contains a Type filter for ENTITY_CREATED events.

      Reltio streams the ENTITY_CREATED EVENT for entity A into this external queue.

    • External Queue Configuration 2: Contains a Type filter for NOT_ENTITY_CREATED events (that is, events for which an entity wasn't created) and an Object for the Name attribute.

      Reltio streams the ENTITY_CHANGED event for entity B and the ENTITY_MERGED event for merged entity AB to this event queue only if the value of the Name matches what is defined in the Object filter.

The topics in this section provide step-by-step instructions for using external queues to stream data to external message queues.