Unify and manage your data

Stop a Data Load Job

The Data Loader application allows you to stop in-progress jobs if required.

To stop an in-progress job, perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the Pending tab. Hover your mouse pointer over the More options on the job you want to stop. The Job actions menu appears.

  2. Click Job actions menu to open additional options like Stop job and Refresh status.

  3. Click Stop job.
  4. Click YES for confirming to stop the job.
    A notification appears indicating that Data load job is scheduled to stop. The job appears under the Completed tab with the status as STOPPED. You can filter on stopped jobs.

    On the Job Definitions page, when you click on the job under the Completed tab, the JOBS HISTORY shows the status as STOPPED.

    Note: It may not be possible to stop all data load jobs. If a certain data load job cannot be stopped, a message appears indicating the failed attempt to stop the job.