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Obtain an Access Token for SSO users

This operation authenticates a user in the platform and returns an access token that is used to authorize other API requests. Normally, the Single Sign On (SSO) users log into the Reltio platform with the Corporate IdP.

To use your corporate IdP Username and Password to access Reltio Platform APIs, you must use the Authorization Code Grant Type. Request an access token while using the Authorization Code Grant Type in POSTMAN:

  1. Open POSTMAN and open a new tab to enter the API endpoint and body of the API that you want to call, if required. In the Authorization tab, select Type as OAuth 2.0 and select Get New Access Token.
  2. Enter the following details in Get New Access Token and select Request Token:
    • Grant Type- Select Authorization Code
    • Callback URL- https://{environment}.reltio.com/oauth/callback
    • Auth URL- https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/sso?tenant_id='sso_tenant'
    • Access Token URL- https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/token
    • Client ID- Reltio Client ID
    • Client Secret- Reltio Client Secret
    • Client Authentication- Select Send client credentials in body
    • State - Enter any value. Cannot be blank.
    Note: You can leave Scope blank.

    To get a Client ID and Client Secret, see Add new client in the Console or Create a customer client via the API.

  3. A new window with configured Idp's login opens. Log in with your Idp credentials.
  4. After a successful sign in, POSTMAN displays the access token in Manage Access Tokens, as shown below. Scroll to the end and select Use Token.
    Note: The length of the access_token / refresh_token must be within 400 characters.
  5. POSTMAN sets the access token in the Authorization Header. Select Sen to send the API request.